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Re[2]: [lmi] access to mc_enum type information [patch 1/3]

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re[2]: [lmi] access to mc_enum type information [patch 1/3]
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:23:32 +0200

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 10:57:21 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> Okay, probably I'll first work through some patches that don't require
GC> new wx capabilities, or even work with a 2010 tarball briefly; but lmi
GC> will definitely need to grab wx directly from its repository, soon.

 Depending on how soon exactly does it happen 2.9.2 might be available by
then. As usual, there will be at least one RC/test version before it and it
would be great if LMI could be tested with it to ensure that it works with
the official 2.9.2 release too. I may forward here (or to you directly) the
announcement of 2.9.2 RC if this can be useful.


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