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Re: [lmi] Group premium quotes

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Group premium quotes
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 17:11:56 +0200

On Mon, 22 Jun 2015 01:34:50 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> Think first of the xml, then grep to see where the data come from in the
GC> ledger classes. Take "SpecAmt" for example:
GC>         << Invar.value_str("SpecAmt"              ,d) << '\t'

 Hello again,

 While I was able to find the provenance of some fields in the report using
the (snipped) instructions above, I'm afraid I'll have to return to this

GC> I'll be your safari guide, so no hippopotamus will become your sarcophagus.

and ask you for help with the remaining ones. Here is the list of fields
whose source I couldn't find on my own:

- Several fields of the plan details summary:
 . "Guarantee Issue Max"
 . "Available Riders"
 . "Number of Eligibles"
 . "Plan Type(s)"
 . "Premium Mode"
 . In addition, I'm not quite sure if "Contract State" is really
   LedgerInvariant::StatePostalAbbrev that I used for it so far.
- Numbers in all 4 "Quarterly premium" columns.
- Text of the footer at the very end of the document, below the company logo.
- The name of the files for the logo itself and the header background image
  also need to come from somewhere, instead of being hardcoded as they are

 And, while not quite a field, I'd also like to ask which date format
should be used for the three places in which dates occur in the document:

- The report header in the top left (currently hardcoded as "%B %d, %Y").
- The effective date in the summary (currently hardcoded as "%m/%d/%Y").
- The dates in the DOB column (currently using "DateOfBirth" field, which
  seems to be always in ISO 8601 format).

GC> Let me suggest:
GC>     if(emission & mce_emit_group_roster)
GC>         {
GC>         LMI_ASSERT(!tsv_filepath.empty());
GC>         PrintRosterTabDelimited
GC>             (ledger
GC>             ,   tsv_filepath.string()
GC>             +   ".roster"
GC>             +   
GC>             );
GC>         if(contains(ledger.GetLedgerInvariant()..value_str("Comments"), 
GC>             WritePremiumQuotePdfFile();
GC>         }

 After thinking more about this I really couldn't find any good reason to
use this hack and so added mce_emit_group_premium to mcenum_emission enum.
This can, of course, be changed later but this is the simplest solution
compatible with the emit_ledger refactoring I did, so I'd like to keep it
if there are no strong arguments to the contrary.

 But for now the main stumbling block for me are the unknown fields above,
thanks in advance for any guidance about where should I go hunting for

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