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Re: [lmi] Allow switching skin while lmi is running

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Allow switching skin while lmi is running
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 00:58:57 +0200

On Tue, 31 May 2016 21:59:00 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> A while ago, you proposed some sweeping changes to these 'skin*.xrc'
GC> files, and I thought we adopted them all--but did we miss any?

 I still haven't finished reapplying all my branches from the old git
repository to the new one, so I'm not completely sure, but I don't think
there is anything remaining concerning the XRC files except for the "single
file menu" patches.

GC> With the "single premium" skin, I get these messages from wx on the
GC> console
GC> (even though they validate with 'xrc.rnc'):
GC>   wxSpinCtrl "SurviveToAge": initial width 20 is too small, at least 34 
pixels needed.
GC>   wxSpinCtrl "SurviveToYear": initial width 20 is too small, at least 34 
pixels needed.

 I see those too with this skin (but not skin.xrc nor skin_coli_boli.xrc
which are the only two other skins containing the controls with these
names). The reason is clear, the XRC file just specifies the too small
initial size and the best solution is to simply remove it as there doesn't
seem to be any need for it here, especially because the spin control now
grows anyhow (which, BTW, is not necessarily the right thing to do, it
looks unnecessarily wide to me right now). I don't know if this is worth a
PR, please let me know if you'd prefer me to make one, together with the
other patches below, but if you're annoyed by these messages and want to
already get rid of them, here is the trivial patch:
---------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------
diff --git a/skin_single_premium.xrc b/skin_single_premium.xrc
index 55af74c..d9787ed 100644
--- a/skin_single_premium.xrc
+++ b/skin_single_premium.xrc
@@ -263,7 +263,6 @@
                                     <object class="wxSpinCtrl" 
                                         <help>Partial mortality survival age 
-                                        <size>10,-1</size>
@@ -278,7 +277,6 @@
                                     <object class="wxSpinCtrl" 
                                         <help>Partial mortality survival year 
-                                        <size>10,-1</size>
---------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------

GC> Would you mind fixing those apparent errors? And if you can spare the
GC> time...
GC>   "single premium": "Policy" listbox should be expanded vertically
GC>      (there might be one hundred items in this listbox)
GC>   "coli boli": inconsistent borders between "Corp" and "Agent" tabs
GC>   "group carveout" skins: "Names" tab labels misaligned with fields
GC> Those are the glaring UI sins that jump out at me; you may find others.

 I do see several other misaligned controls and things like this, but it
would probably be better to make a single PR with several commits fixing
individual problems and let you pick those of them that you like, so I'll
do this later, after finishing my internal repository migration because my
plan is to do this first to have the branches corresponding to the yet
open PRs in the existing repository, then delete the old repository on
GitHub, rename the new one to the old name and re-create the existing PRs
for it.

 Of course, this assumes that these changes are not really urgent, please
let me know if I'm wrong and they're.


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