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Re: [lmi] Branching to replace XSL-FO

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Branching to replace XSL-FO
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 17:41:10 +0000
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On 2017-10-11 14:56, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2017 14:30:52 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:
[after this "forced update":]
>                  *--- ... ---*--> vz-remote/direct-pdf-gen-master
>                 /
>         ---*---* master
>             \
>              \
>               *--- ... ---*--> vz-no-xslfo
> GC> But what am I supposed to do now?
>  The simplest thing to do is to delete your branch and start over:

That's actually the first thought that occurred to me, though I
didn't say so because I imagined it was too crude. Of course,
what I had in mind was 'rm -rf /tmp/lmi' then 'git clone', than
which your suggestion is far more elegant:

>         $ git checkout master # can't be on the branch you're deleting
>         $ git branch -D vz-no-xslfo
>         $ git branch vz-no-xslfo vz-remote/direct-pdf-gen-master

$git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

$git branch -D vz-no-xslfo
Deleted branch vz-no-xslfo (was 1513e0376).

$git branch vz-no-xslfo vz-remote/direct-pdf-gen-master
Branch vz-no-xslfo set up to track remote branch direct-pdf-gen-master from 

Okay, everything works, and I think I understand it with the help
of your drawing above. I even think I'm beginning to understand
why rebasing a branch is a big deal, generally to be avoided.

> GC>  - git reset --hard vz-remote/direct-pdf-gen-master
>  This actually works too and is even shorter than the commands above, but I
> thought it would be less clear. Do feel free to use this one if you
> understand what it does

I stumbled across that command (which would work), as well as the
other two [snipped] that wouldn't work, by searching the web, but
I still can't understand it readily, so I'll stick to the path
that I do understand.

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