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[lmi] Sourcing a shell script in a make file

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Sourcing a shell script in a make file
Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 13:57:49 +0000
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[Paraphrase of a demonstration in git as of commit f93cd2fe1fc7,
posted here as a handy, searchable reference. The full version
in git contains 'echo' statements to show what's going on in
detail, and offers a couple simple tests.]

# This demonstration shows a way to source a script in a makefile,
# and export environment variables set by that script to make's
# environment:
#  - form a unique name $LMI_ENV_FILE for a file to hold the value
#  - give the top-level makefile a target to remake itself, with
#     - $(eval include $(LMI_ENV_FILE)) in its recipe, and
#     - $(LMI_ENV_FILE) as a prerequisite
#  - add a phony $(LMI_ENV_FILE) target whose recipe sources the
#    script and writes 'make' assignments like "export foo := bar"
#    into the file it names

[script 'set.sh']


export LMI_OUT1="one"
export LMI_OUT2="two"

[main makefile 'parent.make']

export LMI_ENV_FILE := env_$(shell date -u +'%s_%N').eraseme

parent.make:: $(LMI_ENV_FILE)
        $(eval include $(LMI_ENV_FILE))
        rm $(LMI_ENV_FILE)

        . ./set.sh ; \
          { \
            echo "export LMI_OUT1 := $$LMI_OUT1"; \
            echo "export LMI_OUT2 := $$LMI_OUT2"; \
          } > $@ ;

        $(MAKE) -f values_exported_to_this_makefile_too.make

# How does this work?
# Only a few lines of code are required, and the subtlest one:
#   $(eval include $(LMI_ENV_FILE))
# isn't very difficult: it simply expands to an appropriate 'include'
# directive at a particular time. The real challenge is understanding
# the implicit synchronization. It is instructive to run test cases
# with 'make --trace', whose output is paraphrased here:
# begin reading parent.make
#   parent.make has $(LMI_ENV_FILE) as a prerequisite
#     therefore, must remake $(LMI_ENV_FILE)
#       source the script; in the same shell,
#       write 'make' variable definitions to $(LMI_ENV_FILE)
#     finished remaking $(LMI_ENV_FILE)
#   finished prerequisites of parent.make
# resume reading parent.make
#   now $(LMI_ENV_FILE) is newer than parent.make
#   therefore, must remake parent.make
#     its recipe contains $(eval include $(LMI_ENV_FILE))
#     which expands to a make directive
#     which is executed when parent.make is reread
#     which causes the definitions to take effect
#   finished remaking parent.make
# finished reading parent.make
# It is tempting to rearrange the code to make it simpler, but the
# '--trace' output shows why that doesn't work--for example:
#  - Can the two recipes be combined into one, sourcing the script
# and writing the temporary file just before $(eval)? No: $(eval)
# would take effect before the script has been sourced. 'include'
# is a make directive, not a shell command, so its effect occurs
# when the makefile is reread--before the recipe is executed.
#  - Can $(eval include) be moved outside the recipe it occurs in,
# and written outside any rule context (as directives typically are)?
# No: it would take effect the first time the makefile is read, before
# the script has been sourced, and it wouldn't be reconsidered later.
# Functions are usually expanded when read, but not in rule contexts,
# where expansion is deferred.

# Prior art; alternatives
# Obviously one could simply write a cover script to replace direct
# invocation of 'make', but the goal here is to avoid that. See:
#   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-make/2006-04/msg00142.html
# which suggests 'eval'.
# An online search for 'make "eval include"' finds few articles, and
# fewer still that use that construct in a recipe. This one:
#   https://blog.153.io/2016/04/18/source-a-shell-script-in-make/
# demonstrates the 'eval include' technique adapted here (though it
# doesn't literally source a script). Its earlier 'eval include'
# example works, though its final, simplified example seems not to.

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