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Re: [lmi] Embed {{MST}} and <html> in product database

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Embed {{MST}} and <html> in product database
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 17:27:51 +0200

On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 14:46:10 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> Vadim--please take a look at
GC>   odd/mst-in-product-db
GC> and let me know what you think. I'm convinced that doing something
GC> like this will save us much time and misery. But I'm sure I haven't
GC> devised the best technique, and hope you can suggest improvements.


 I'm sorry, I have a feeling that this is supposed to be quite simple, but
nevertheless I'm very confused and don't seem to be able to understand what
are we trying to achieve here, in spite of reading (several times) the long
commit message of 952b2428040ddf17e86f77c5588dddeec2308f0d.

 Using the "GuarMortalityFootnote" example for reference, it seems to me
that it's already defined in the product_data, so even though the PDF
generation code gets it from LedgerInvariant, ultimately it already comes
from the product database, doesn't it? I.e. I can already see
GuarMortalityFootnote in sample.policy, it's just empty there currently.
Is the problem you're trying to solve that it is only supposed to contain
text, and not HTML, currently, while you'd like to use HTML inside it?

 Also, the commit message says

        IOW, the vision is to change the contents of '.policy' files from
        flat text to something like mustache "partials"

but the .policy files are XML, not flat text. Am I even looking at the
right files here?

 I think things would become clearer if I could see the final target you
have in mind. I.e., implementation issues aside, what would you ideally
like to achieve? Should there still be any .mst files at all left or should
their contents be entirely moved to the product database (the commit
message speaks about moving them in the product database, but at least this
commit doesn't actually do this)?

 Sorry again for my confusion but I just don't see what's going on here,

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