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Re: index entries

From: Jens Klöcker
Subject: Re: index entries
Date: 20 Mar 2000 12:56:28 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0804 (Gnus v5.8.4) XEmacs/21.1 (Bryce Canyon)

>>>>> On 2000-3-9, RESET  (RESET) wrote:

    RESET> ::::: In article <address@hidden>,
    RESET> ::::: address@hidden writes:

    RESET>     Jeff:: I'm thinking of adding a dinky enhancement to Lout's
    RESET>     Jeff:: index entries:  making them print

    RESET>     Jeff:: procrastination (ctd.)

    RESET>     Jeff:: at the top of the column if the index entry for
    RESET>     Jeff:: procrastination is continued from the previous
    RESET>     Jeff:: column.  My infinitely trivial question is,
    RESET>     Jeff:: what does this look like in languages other
    RESET>     Jeff:: than English?  Are these continuation headers
    RESET>     Jeff:: often used/never used?  Do they have a format
    RESET>     Jeff:: that could be described as one word in parentheses
    RESET>     Jeff:: after the index entry itself?  If so, what is
    RESET>     Jeff:: that word?  If not, what do they look like?

    RESET>     Jeff:: Jeff Kingston

    RESET> In Spanish it would be:

    RESET>         dilación (cont.)

In our German books we also repeat the entry at the top of the column
with '(Fortsetzung)' attached:

        Schlüsselwort (Fortsetzung)

Jens Klöcker <address@hidden>
Electronic Technologies, Springer-Verlag

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