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"downifneeded @Scale" miscalculates the scaling factor

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: "downifneeded @Scale" miscalculates the scaling factor
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 16:00:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)


It seems that "downifneeded @Scale", as well as the address@hidden' that's
automatically inserted when an object is too large, miscalculates the
scaling factor.

The example below illustrates this problem: in a margin-less document,
we create a box larger than the page and scale it down.  The scaled-down
box should fill the whole page width but doesn't.  The same problem can
be observed when commenting out "downifneeded @Scale".

  @SysInclude { langdefs} # language definitions
  @SysInclude { bsf     } # BasicSetup package
  @SysInclude { dsf     } # DocumentSetup package
  @SysInclude { docf    } # OrdinarySetup extension

  @Use { @BasicSetup }
  @Use { @DocumentSetup
    @PageWidth          { 100c }
    @OddLeftMargin      { 0c }
    @OddRightMargin     { 0c }
    @EvenLeftMargin     { 0c }
    @EvenRightMargin    { 0c }

  @Use { @OrdinarySetup }

  @SysDatabase @FontDef  { fontdefs }             # font definitions
  @SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle }             # reference printing styles

  # The document.

  @Text @Begin

  # We expect the box to fill the whole page width.
  "downifneeded" @Scale
  @Box paint { "black" } 222c @Wide { hello //10f world }

  @End @Text

I'll see whether I can track it down further.


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