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[lwip-users] RE:[lwip] Suggestion: javadoc

From: Paul Sheer
Subject: [lwip-users] RE:[lwip] Suggestion: javadoc
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:26:08 -0000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is probably going to make people reel, but...

I invented my own documentation format: a simple
awk script that converts plain ascii into nice
HTML. This allows documentation in the two
most popular formats to be supported: text
and HTML. I have really found that its simplicity
overrides any advantages gained by sgml, roff, etc.
It has the advantage that:

  - awk is supported on every Unix platform, nothing
  need be installed to compile documentation.

  - docs can be read without compiling.

  - web docs will always be in sync with ascii docs.
  because they recompile instantly with each build.

The script is attached.

A sample document is:

LwIP: Light Weight IP Stack

The double line creates a major header. Here is an
example of an indented list:

  1. This paragraph will be indented.

  2. So will this one.

Or perhaps like:

  - This "bulletted" item will be indented when
  rendered in HTML

URLs will be turned into hyperlinks for example
http://this.com/ will become a hyperlink in HTML.

Images will be creates as image links. For example
(See someimg.jpg.)

You get the idea


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------------- Original Message --------------
From:       address@hidden
To:         address@hidden
Date:       Tue,08/20/2002 09:32:38
Subject:    [lwip] Suggestion: javadoc


now that work is underway to have a CVS lwIP tree, I would
suggest to standardize on a (self)documentation format.

Proposal is JavaDoc format.

Arguments have been given earlier (search the mailing list
on "javadoc" and "doxygen") and I recall there was much
agreement on this.


Leon Woestenberg

Axon Digital Design
Phone: +31 13 511 6666
Fax: +31 13 511 4151
web: www.axon.tv


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[This message was sent through the lwip discussion list.]

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=txt2html.awk
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=txt2html.awk

    gsub("<", "\\&lt;", l)
    gsub(">", "\\&gt;", l)
    gsub("http://[^ ]+", "<A href=\"&\">&</A>", l)
    l = gensub("^[(]See ([^.]+[.](jpg|jpeg|png|gif))[.]?[)]$", "<IMG 
src=\"\\1\" align=\"center\" border=\"1\">", "g", l)
    l = gensub("[(]See ([^.]+[.](jpg|jpeg|png|gif))[.]?[)]", "<IMG src=\"\\1\" 
align=\"right\" border=\"1\">", "g", l)
    l = gensub("^[[]See ([^.]+[.](jpg|jpeg|png|gif))[.]?[]]$", "<IMG 
src=\"\\1\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\">", "g", l)
    l = gensub("[[]See ([^.]+[.](jpg|jpeg|png|gif))[.]?[]]", "<IMG src=\"\\1\" 
align=\"right\" border=\"0\">", "g", l)
    if (match (l, "[-][-][-][-][-][-]") == 1) {
        print "<HR><A name=\"head" head "\"><B><FONT size=\"+1\">" ll 
        print "<A href=\"#head" head "\"><B>" ll "</B></A><BR>" > 
    } else if (match (l, "[=][=][=][=][=][=]") == 1) {
        print "<B><FONT size=\"+2\">" ll "</FONT></B><P>" > "title.html"
    } else {
        if (ll == "") {
            if (indent) {
                print "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
                indent = 0
            if (l != "")
                print "<P>"
        } else {
            gsub("      ", "        ", ll)
            i=match(ll, "[ ]+([-]|[1-9][0-9]*[.])[ ]")
            if (i == 1 && lll == "") {
                q = gensub("^[ ]+([-]|[1-9][0-9]*[.])[ ].+$", "\\1", "", ll)
                t = gensub("^([ ]+).+$", "\\1", "", ll)
                if (indent > 0)
                    print "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
                oldindent = indent
                indent = length(t)
#               gsub(" ", "  ", t)
                for(c = 0; c < length(q); c++)
                    gsub("^[ ]", "", t)
                gsub(" ", "\\&nbsp;", t)
                gsub("^[ ]+([-]|[1-9][0-9]*[.])[ ]", "", ll)
                print "<TABLE width=\"100%\" border=0 rules=\"none\" 
frame=\"void\" cols=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"
                print "<TR VALIGN=\"top\"><TD width=\"1%\" 
VALIGN=\"top\"><B><CODE>" t q "</CODE></B>&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD><TD>"
            for(c = 0; c < indent; c++)
                gsub("^[ ]", "", ll)
            if (ll == "")
                print "<P>"
            else {
                i = match(ll, "[ ]")
                if (i == 1) {
                    t = gensub("^([ ]*).*$", "\\1", "", ll)
#                   gsub(" ", "  ", t)
                    gsub(" ", "\\&nbsp;", t)
                    gsub("^[ ]*", "", ll)
                    gsub(" ", "\\&nbsp;", ll)
                    print "<CODE>" t "</CODE>" ll "<BR>"
                } else {
                    print ll


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