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[lwip-users] DHCP - lwip version is from 2010

From: Boštjan Gojković
Subject: [lwip-users] DHCP - lwip version is from 2010
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 13:02:43 +0100


in 2010 we ordered to a developement company to implemented the lwip
for TCP/IP support on freescale ColdFire microprocessor mcf52233. The
company that
made the implementation does not exist any more.

We have a problem because we now want to implement DHCP client to the
processor. I followed the tutorials "http://lwip.wikia.com/wiki/DHCP";
but failed to achieve this.

the following function is called before the infinite loop function -
it just initialize DHCP.

void InitDhcp(void)
        struct ip_addr xIpAddr, xNetMask, xGateway;
        extern err_t mcf5223xif_init( struct netif *netif );
        struct netif *myNetif;
        struct pbuf *myPbuf;
        IP4_ADDR( &xIpAddr,0,0,0,0 );
        IP4_ADDR( &xNetMask,0,0,0,0 );
        IP4_ADDR( &xGateway,0,0,0,0 );
        netif_set_addr(myNetif, &xIpAddr, &xNetMask, &xGateway);
        //tcpip_input(myPbuf, myNetif);
        netif_add(myNetif, &xIpAddr, &xNetMask, &xGateway, NULL,
mcf5223xif_init, tcpip_input); // this function resets the processor
every second

This function is run every time in infinite loop function

void getNetAddressFromDHCP(void)
        UINT32 finalTime  = CSS_GetTime(NULL);
        UINT32 msFinalTime = GetTimerInms();
        if (mcf5223xif_link() == 1)
                if (netif_default->ip_addr.addr == 0)
                        finalTime = ihrc_get_ms_counter();
                        if ((finalTime - minuteMSTime) >= 60)
                        /** to be called every minute */
                                minuteMSTime = CSS_GetTime(NULL);
                        else if ((finalTime - fiftyMSTime) >= 500)
                                /** to be called every half second */
                                fiftyMSTime = GetTimerInms();                   

Because I failed to activate DHCP i try to make a simple DHCP discover
to the DHCP server using UDP protocol. The server receives the request
and sends back the DHCP offer.

But i failed to receive the package. I am using this code to do this:

struct udp_pcb * upcb;

udp_bind(upcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, 67);
udp_recv(upcb, receive_udp_packet, NULL);

the callback function looks like this:

void receive_udp_packet(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p,
                       struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port)
    struct ip_addr myaddr;
    myaddr = *addr;

    if (p != NULL) {
        /* send received packet back to sender */
                udp_sendto(upcb, p, &myaddr, port);
        /* free the pbuf */


this should just send the echo package received from the server. Do
you guys know what I did wrong?

I am sorry that I can not provide any usefull information regarding
the used lwip, but i checked the header files but I can not find the
version of the lwip. Maybe you know where should I look.

Can you guys help me with this?

Thanks and best regards,

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