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Re: LYNX-DEV v2.7 bug fix update

From: Nelson Henry Eric
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV v2.7 bug fix update
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 11:01:43 +0900 (JST)

> The bugfixes zip is now over 200k in size; can we agree to merge that into
> the base 2.7, and call it 2.7.1 or something, and then base the various
> development versions against that??

"" is against the "official" lynx2.7 release.  Fote is doing
a tremendous job way beyond the call of duty there.  He has made it quite
clear, though, that that is where it ends.  The "develpment version" is
ALREADY out, and it IS the base for new development.  There's no going

Klaus, even with his superior knowledge of computer operation and
programming, obviously went out of his way to incorporate Fote's fixes
up to the time of his integration of his and Wayne's code.  This work
by Klaus needs to be acknowledged and not taken for granted.  It will
be up to the next developer (now apparently Tom) to integrate Fote's
fixes, which should be done out of respect for Fote's almost beyond-human
efforts these past years.  If there is any c programmer who has the time
to help with orchestrating development and fixes, now is the time to
step forward.  Scott has set up an excellent working environment, but
indicates that he's not in a position to do the actual integration of
code.  Hiram has proven he can do a wonderful job, but he has commitments,

What's being asked for is a lot of back-breaking work with few people
offering thanks.

> ============================================================================
> Roger Hill, P.O.Box 4T, Barbados, West Indies.
> Tel:246-230-9596        Fax:246-433-8365         E-mail: address@hidden
> ============================================================================
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