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Re: lynx-dev Configure bug? on Solaris 2.6/Lynx 2.8.1

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Configure bug? on Solaris 2.6/Lynx 2.8.1
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 16:59:01 -0500 (EST)

> rosetta-stone-40> uname -a 
> SunOS rosetta-stone 5.6 Generic sun4u sparc 

I've gotten a couple of similar reports, but the only time I've seen this
sort of thing is when ncurses is installed in /usr/local/lib as -lcurses.
(And the corresponding headers as /usr/local/include/curses.h).  If that's
the case, the only cure is to separate the installs better (by using
the disable-override configure option of ncurses).

If it's not that, I'm interested in the details (the config.log, config.cache,
config.status) ...
> I ran 
> ./configure --disable-echo --enable-nsl-fork 
> --enable-persistent-cookies --libdir=/usr/local/lib --with-zlib 
> Building Lynx failed with 
> Linking and creating Lynx executable 
> gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I. -I.. -Ichrtrans -I./chrtrans -I.. -I../src 
> -I../WWW/Library/Implementation  -Wall   -o lynx  LYClean.o LYShowInfo.o 
> LYEdit.o LYStrings.o LYMail.o HTAlert.o GridText.o LYGetFile.o LYMain.o 
> LYMainLoop.o LYCurses.o LYBookmark.o LYUtils.o LYOptions.o LYReadCFG.o 
> LYSearch.o LYHistory.o LYForms.o LYPrint.o LYrcFile.o LYDownload.o LYNews.o 
> LYKeymap.o HTML.o HTFWriter.o HTInit.o DefaultStyle.o LYLocal.o LYUpload.o 
> LYLeaks.o LYexit.o LYJump.o LYList.o LYCgi.o LYTraversal.o LYEditmap.o 
> LYCharSets.o LYCharUtils.o LYMap.o LYCookie.o LYExtern.o LYStyle.o LYHash.o 
> UCdomap.o UCAux.o UCAuto.o  ../WWW/Library/unix/libwww.a -lz -lcurses  -lnsl 
> -lsocket   /home/crism/src/freeWAIS-0.5/bin-Solaris/client.a 
> /home/crism/src/freeWAIS-0.5/bin-Solaris/wais.a /usr/lib/libm.a  
> LYCurses.o: In function `lynx_standout': 
> LYCurses.o(.text+0x80c): undefined reference to `LYaddAttr' 
> LYCurses.o(.text+0x820): undefined reference to `LYsubAttr' 
> LYCurses.o: In function `lynx_enable_mouse': 
> LYCurses.o(.text+0xc14): undefined reference to `mousemask' 
> LYCurses.o(.text+0xc2c): undefined reference to `mousemask' 
> make[1]: *** [lynx] Error 1 
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/crism/src/lynx2-8-1/src' 
> make: *** [all] Error 2 
> I ran into this problem with 2.8, and although I never spent the time 
> to resolve it, I think Ted Dickey suggested that Solaris uses ncurses 
> masquerading as curses.  In any case, explicitly specifying 
> ./configure --disable-echo --enable-nsl-fork 
> --enable-persistent-cookies --libdir=/usr/local/lib --with-zlib 
> --with-screen=ncurses 
> gave a successful compile.  It would be nice if configure could guess 
> this itself.  (For reference, Solaris 2.4 generic builds correctly 
> without specifying --with-screen.) 
> Please cc: me on any reply, as I am no longer subscribed to lynx-dev. 
> Thanks, 
> Chris 
> --  
> <!NOTATION SGML.Geek PUBLIC "-//Anonymous//NOTATION SGML Geek//EN"> 
> <!ENTITY crism PUBLIC "-//O'Reilly//NONSGML Christopher R. Maden//EN" 
> "<URL> <TEL>+1.617.499.7487 
> <USMAIL>90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA" NDATA SGML.Geek> 

Thomas E. Dickey

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