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lynx-dev What do I need to run lynx

From: simon . hodson
Subject: lynx-dev What do I need to run lynx
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 16:49:58 +0000


I am Simon Hodson from East Midlands Arts Board - IT department. Tel: 01509 
218292 ext.233

One of our staff is visualy impared and using win95 - jaws screen reader for 
windows - dectalk voice software and card - and power braille 40 keyboard - and 
hp 5100c scanner linked to textdridge pro98.

The PC keeps locking and GPF errors etc.. I have re formatted PC etc. twice in 
6 months.

What kit do I need to run Lynx and will lynx readscreen / speak ?

Please advise as I am finding very little help with regards to this problem.....


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