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Re: lynx-dev 123p+ final(?) patch

From: Philip Webb
Subject: Re: lynx-dev 123p+ final(?) patch
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 03:20:27 -0500 (EST)

990302 Laura Eaves wrote: 
> 990302 Philip Webb wrote:
>>  3g  moves the hilite to [3] & then  3g+  moves on to [6], as they should,
>> but  3+g  thinks it's  3+  & goes off to the URL at [9],
>> & similarly but worse,  3+p  also thinks it's  3+ , with the same result:
>>  3+g  should have the SAME effect as  3g+  &  3+p  the same as  3p+ .
> this is a feature, not a bug
> as the current implementation only accepts  123g+  not  123+g  or  123+p .
> Once it sees the  +  it doesn't look at the next char.  It's easy to fix.

would you be willing to fix it?  it will surely cause problems
& my understanding of the 3-way discussion was everyone could be satisfied
by making  3+g  &  3g+  equivalent, with the same for  p  &  - ,
retaining the ordinary  3g 3p 3+ 3-  effects too.

so the logic is: `3' -- gotta number, goto link/page movement, what's next?
if `nothing', follow link [3]; if `g', it's a link, see what's next;
 if `p', it's a page, see what's next; if `+' or `-', it's relative, swn.
the 3rd character or its absence will then complete the command,
there being  8  possibilities, if i've counted correctly. 

if you've had enough for now, i'll see if it's simple enough for me.

>> also, if i'm on page 6 (without links) & enter  3g+ ,
>> it moves the hilite to [18] on page 16, as the link before page 6 was [15]:
>> this is ok, if intended, but was it intended?
> Yes it is correct.  The algorithm is: if on a page with no links,
> if you type  ng+  it repositions at  previous_link + n ;
> if you type  ng-  it repositions at  previous_link + 1 - n .
> Note that  previous_link + 1  would be the first numbered link
> *after* the page with no links. if the page has links on it,
> you can just use curlink.  Hope that's understandable. 

eminently: no need to change anything here.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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