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lynx-dev memory pool for lines and anchors (patch8)

From: Leonid Pauzner
Subject: lynx-dev memory pool for lines and anchors (patch8)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 06:36:47 +0300 (MSK)

Memory optimization:

* GridText.c: store lines, anchors, and forms in the same HText memory pool
as styles. This will optimize memory allocation/deallocation by 8Kb units.
(The down side - lines in TRST mode will be stored twice.) Some structs
made a bit more compact.

[GridText.c, LYStructs.h]

diff -u -p old/gridtext.c ./gridtext.c
--- old/gridtext.c      Wed Oct 23 17:41:22 2002
+++ ./gridtext.c        Sun Oct 27 05:58:04 2002
@@ -151,8 +151,6 @@ PUBLIC int LYsb_begin = -1;
 PUBLIC int LYsb_end = -1;

-#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
-#define MAX_STYLES_ON_LINE 64

     /*try to fit in 2 shorts*/
 typedef struct {
@@ -161,49 +159,38 @@ typedef struct {
            /* horizontal position of this change */
        unsigned short  style;          /* which style to change to */
 } HTStyleChange;

-typedef struct _line {
-       struct _line    *next;
-       struct _line    *prev;
-       unsigned        offset;         /* Implicit initial spaces */
-       unsigned        size;           /* Number of characters */
 #if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
-       HTStyleChange* styles;
-       int     numstyles;
+#define MAX_STYLES_ON_LINE   64
+  /* buffers used when current line is being aggregated, in split_line() */
+static HTStyleChange stylechanges_buffers[2][MAX_STYLES_ON_LINE];
-       char    data[1];                /* Space for terminator at least! */
-} HTLine;

-#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
-typedef struct _HTStyleChangePool {
-       HTStyleChange   data[4092];
-       struct _HTStyleChangePool* next;
-       int free_items;
-} HTStyleChangePool;
-/*these are used when current line is being aggregated. */
-HTStyleChange stylechanges_buffers[2][MAX_STYLES_ON_LINE];
-int stylechanges_buffers_free;/*this is an index of the free buffer.
-    Can be 0 or 1*/

-/* These are generic macros for any pools (provided those structures have the
-same members as HTStyleChangePool).  Pools are used for allocation of groups of
+typedef struct _HTPool {
+       HTStyleChange   data[2042];
+       struct _HTPool* next;
+       int used;
+} HTPool;
+These are generic macros for any pools (provided those structures have the
+same members as HTPool).  Pools are used for allocation of groups of
 objects of the same type T.  Pools are represented as a list of structures of
 type P (called pool chunks here).  Structure P has an array of N objects of
 type T named 'data' (the number N in the array can be chosen arbitrary),
-pointer to the next pool chunk named 'pool', and the number of free items in
-that pool chunk named 'free_items'.  Here is a definition of the structure P:
+pointer to the next pool chunk named 'next', and the number of used items in
+that pool chunk named 'used'.  Here is a definition of the structure P:
        struct P
            T data[N];
            struct P* next;
-           int free_items;
+           int used;
  It's recommended that sizeof(P) be memory page size minus 32 in order malloc'd
 chunks to fit in machine page size.
- Allocation of 'n' items in the pool is implemented by decrementing member
-'free_items' by 'n' if 'free_items' >= 'n', or allocating a new pool chunk and
+ Allocation of 'n' items in the pool is implemented by incrementing member
+'used' by 'n' if (used+n <= N), or malloc a new pool chunk and
 allocating 'n' items in that new chunk.  It's the task of the programmer to
 assert that 'n' is <= N.  Only entire pool may be freed - this limitation makes
 allocation algorithms trivial and fast - so the use of pools is limited to
@@ -214,6 +201,9 @@ speed due to the simple algorithms used.
 'allocated' in array, alignment overhead is minimal.  Allocating strings in a
 pool provided their length will never exceed N and is much smaller than N seems
 to be very efficient.
+ [Several types of memory-hungry objects are stored in the pool now:  styles,
+lines, anchors, and FormInfo. Arrays of HTStyleChange are stored as is,
+other objects are aligned to sizeof(void*) bytes and stored using a cast.]

  Pool are referenced by pointer to the chunk that contains free slots. Macros
 that allocate memory in pools update that pointer if needed.
@@ -222,7 +212,7 @@ ALLOC_IN_POOL.
  Here is a description of those macros as C++ functions (with names mentioned
 above and with use of C++ references)

-void ALLOC_IN_POOL( P*& pool, pool_type, int toalloc, T*& ptr)
+void ALLOC_IN_POOL( P*& pool, pool_type, int toalloc, T*& ptr, int align=1)
     - allocates 'toalloc' items in the pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by
     'pool', sets the pointer 'ptr' to the "allocated" memory and updates 'pool'
     if necessary. Sets 'ptr' to NULL if fails.
@@ -231,84 +221,125 @@ void POOL_NEW( pool_type  , P*& ptr)
     Initializes a pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by 'ptr', updating 'ptr'.
     Sets 'ptr' to NULL if fails.

-void POOL_FREE( pool_type , P* ptr)
-    Frees a pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by ptr.
+void POOL_FREE( pool_type , P*& ptr)
+    Frees a pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by ptr. Sets ptr to NULL.

-      - VH */
+      - VH

-void ALLOC_IN_POOL( P*& pool, pool_type, int toalloc, T*& ptr)
+void ALLOC_IN_POOL( P*& pool, pool_type, int toalloc, T*& ptr, int align=1)
     - allocates 'toalloc' items in the pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by
     'pool', sets the pointer 'ptr' to the "allocated" memory and updates 'pool'
     if necessary. Sets 'ptr' to NULL if fails.
-#define ALLOC_IN_POOL(pool,pool_type,toalloc,ptr)     \
-if (!pool)  \
-    ptr = NULL; \
-else { \
-    if ((pool)->free_items > toalloc) { \
-       (pool)->free_items -= toalloc; \
-       ptr = (pool)->data + (pool)->free_items; \
-    } else { \
-       pool_type* newpool = (pool_type*)malloc(sizeof(pool_type)); \
-       if (!newpool) { \
-           ptr = NULL; \
-       } else { \
-           newpool->next = pool; \
-           newpool->free_items = sizeof newpool->data/ \
-                   sizeof newpool->data[0] - toalloc; \
-           pool = newpool; \
-           ptr = newpool->data + sizeof newpool->data/sizeof newpool->data[0] 
- toalloc; \
-       } \
-    } \
+#define ALLOC_IN_POOL(pool,pool_type,toalloc,ptr,align)  \
+if (!pool)                                               \
+    ptr = NULL;                                          \
+else {                                                   \
+    pool->used += (pool->used%align);                    \
+    if (TABLESIZE(pool->data) - pool->used >= toalloc) { \
+       ptr = pool->data + pool->used;                   \
+       pool->used += toalloc;                           \
+    } else {                                             \
+       pool_type* newpool = (pool_type*)LY_CALLOC(1, sizeof(pool_type)); \
+       if (!newpool) {                                  \
+           ptr = NULL;                                  \
+       } else {                                         \
+           newpool->next = pool;                        \
+           newpool->used = toalloc;                     \
+           ptr = newpool->data;                         \
+           pool = newpool;                              \
+       }                                                \
+    }                                                    \
 void POOL_NEW( pool_type  , P*& ptr)
     Initializes a pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by 'ptr', updating 'ptr'.
     Sets 'ptr' to NULL if fails.
-#define POOL_NEW(pool_type,ptr) \
-    { \
-       pool_type* newpool = (pool_type*)malloc(sizeof(pool_type)); \
-       if (!newpool) { \
-           ptr = NULL; \
-       } else { \
-           newpool->next = NULL; \
-           newpool->free_items = sizeof newpool->data/sizeof newpool->data[0]; 
-           ptr = newpool; \
-       } \
-    }
-void POOL_FREE( pool_type , P* ptr)
-    Frees a pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by ptr.
-#define POOL_FREE(pool_type,xptr) \
-    { \
-       pool_type* ptr = xptr; \
-       do { \
-           pool_type* prevpool = ptr; \
-           ptr = ptr->next; \
-           FREE(prevpool); \
-       } while (ptr); \
-    }
+#define POOL_NEW(pool_type,ptr)     \
+    {                               \
+       ptr = (pool_type*)LY_CALLOC(1, sizeof(pool_type)); \
+       if (ptr) {                  \
+           ptr->next = NULL;       \
+           ptr->used = 0;          \
+       }                           \
+    }
+void POOL_FREE( pool_type, P*& ptr)
+    Frees a pool of type 'pool_type' pointed by ptr. Sets ptr to NULL.
+#define POOL_FREE(pool_type,ptr)    \
+    {                               \
+       pool_type* cur = ptr;       \
+       pool_type* prev;            \
+       while (cur) {               \
+           prev = cur->next;       \
+           FREE(cur);              \
+           cur = prev;             \
+       }                           \
+       ptr = NULL;                 \
+    }
+#define _sz_        sizeof(HTStyleChange)      /* 4 */
+#define _align_     (sizeof(void*)/_sz_)       /*64bit OS!*/
+#define _round_(x)  (x%_sz_ ? x/_sz_ + 1: x/_sz_)
+#define POOLallocstyles(ptr, N)     ALLOC_IN_POOL(HTMainText->pool,HTPool,\
+                                        N,   \
+                                        ptr, \
+                                        1)
+#define POOLallocHTLine(ptr, size)  { HTStyleChange* _tmp_;       \
+                                      ALLOC_IN_POOL(HTMainText->pool,HTPool,\
+                                        _round_(LINE_SIZE(size)), \
+                                        _tmp_,                    \
+                                        _align_);                 \
+                                      ptr = (HTLine*)_tmp_;       \
+                                    }
+#define POOLtypecalloc(T,ptr)       { HTStyleChange* _tmp_;       \
+                                      ALLOC_IN_POOL(HTMainText->pool,HTPool,\
+                                        _round_(sizeof(T)),       \
+                                        _tmp_,                    \
+                                        _align_);                 \
+                                      ptr = (T*)_tmp_;            \
+                                    }
+typedef struct _line {
+       struct _line    *next;
+       struct _line    *prev;
+       unsigned short  offset;         /* Implicit initial spaces */
+       unsigned short  size;           /* Number of characters */
+#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
+       HTStyleChange*  styles;
+       unsigned short  numstyles;
+       char    data[1];                /* Space for terminator at least! */
+} HTLine;

 #define LINE_SIZE(l) (sizeof(HTLine)+(l))      /* Allow for terminator */
-#define allocHTLine(l) (HTLine *)calloc(1, LINE_SIZE(l))
+/* last line buffer, the second is used in split_line(). Not in pool! */
+/* "can't wrap in middle of multibyte sequences, so allocate 2 extra" */
+static char tmp_long_line[2][LINE_SIZE(MAX_LINE+2)];  /* (HTLine*) in fact*/

 typedef struct _TextAnchor {
        struct _TextAnchor *    next;
        struct _TextAnchor *    prev;           /* www_user_search only! */
        int                     number;         /* For user interface */
-       int                     line_pos;       /* Bytes/chars - extent too */
-       int                     extent;         /* (see HText_trimHightext) */
        int                     line_num;       /* Place in document */
-       HiliteList              lites;
-       int                     link_type;      /* Normal, internal, or form? */
-       FormInfo *              input_field;    /* Info for form links */
+       short                   line_pos;       /* Bytes/chars - extent too */
+       short                   extent;         /* (see HText_trimHightext) */
        BOOL                    show_anchor;    /* Show the anchor? */
        BOOL                    inUnderline;    /* context is underlined */
        BOOL                    expansion_anch; /* TEXTAREA edit new anchor */
+       char                    link_type;      /* Normal, internal, or form? */
+       FormInfo *              input_field;    /* Info for form links */
+       HiliteList              lites;
        HTChildAnchor *         anchor;
 } TextAnchor;

@@ -325,22 +356,7 @@ typedef struct {
 struct _HText {
        HTParentAnchor *        node_anchor;
-       /*
-        * Parse settings when this HText was generated.
-        */
-       BOOLEAN                 clickable_images;
-       BOOLEAN                 pseudo_inline_alts;
-       BOOLEAN                 verbose_img;
-       BOOLEAN                 raw_mode;
-       BOOLEAN                 historical_comments;
-       BOOLEAN                 minimal_comments;
-       BOOLEAN                 soft_dquotes;
-       int                     old_dtd;
-       int                     keypad_mode;
-       int                     disp_lines;     /* Screen size */
-       int                     disp_cols;      /* Used for reports only */
        HTLine *                last_line;
        int                     Lines;          /* Number of them */
        TextAnchor *            first_anchor;   /* double-linked on demand */
@@ -402,8 +418,24 @@ struct _HText {

        HTStream *              target;                 /* Output stream */
        HTStreamClass           targetClass;            /* Output routines */
-#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
-       HTStyleChangePool*      styles_pool;
+       HTPool*                 pool;           /* this HText memory pool */
+       /*
+        * Parse settings when this HText was generated.
+        */
+       BOOL                    clickable_images;
+       BOOL                    pseudo_inline_alts;
+       BOOL                    verbose_img;
+       BOOL                    raw_mode;
+       BOOL                    historical_comments;
+       BOOL                    minimal_comments;
+       BOOL                    soft_dquotes;
+       short                   old_dtd;
+       short                   keypad_mode;
+       short                   disp_lines;     /* Screen size */
+       short                   disp_cols;      /* Used for reports only */

@@ -854,17 +886,15 @@ PUBLIC HText *    HText_new ARGS1(
 #endif /* VMS && VAXC && !__DECC */

-    line = self->last_line = allocHTLine(MAX_LINE);
-    if (line == NULL)
+    POOL_NEW(HTPool, self->pool);
+    if (!self->pool)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "HText_New");
+    line = self->last_line = (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[0];
     line->next = line->prev = line;
     line->offset = line->size = 0;
     line->numstyles = 0;
-    POOL_NEW(HTStyleChangePool,self->styles_pool);
-    if (!self->styles_pool)
-       outofmem(__FILE__, "HText_New");
-    stylechanges_buffers_free = 0;
     line->styles = stylechanges_buffers[0];
     self->Lines = 0;
@@ -1035,26 +1065,6 @@ PUBLIC void HText_free ARGS1(

     HTAnchor_setDocument(self->node_anchor, (HyperDoc *)0);
-#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
-    POOL_FREE(HTStyleChangePool,self->styles_pool);
-    while (YES) {      /* Free off line array */
-       HTLine * l = self->last_line;
-       if (l) {
-           l->next->prev = l->prev;
-           l->prev->next = l->next;    /* Unlink l */
-           self->last_line = l->prev;
-           if (l != self->last_line) {
-               FREE(l);
-           } else {
-               free(l);
-           }
-       }
-       if (l == self->last_line) {     /* empty */
-           l = self->last_line = NULL;
-           break;
-       }
-    }

     while (self->first_anchor) {               /* Free off anchor array */
        TextAnchor * l = self->first_anchor;
@@ -1105,12 +1115,12 @@ PUBLIC void HText_free ARGS1(


-           FREE(l->input_field);
+           /*FREE(l->input_field); pool*/

        LYSetHiText(l, NULL, 0);

-       FREE(l);
+       /*FREE(l); pool*/

@@ -1168,6 +1178,7 @@ PUBLIC void HText_free ARGS1(
            HTMainAnchor = NULL;

+    POOL_FREE(HTPool, self->pool);

@@ -2494,7 +2505,7 @@ PRIVATE void move_anchors_in_region ARGS
  *  Some necessary changes for anchors starting on this line are also done
  *  here if needed.
  *  Returns a newly allocated HTLine* if changes were made
- *    (caller has to free the old one).
+ *    (lines allocated in pool, caller should not free the old one).
  *  Returns NULL if no changes needed.  (Remove-spaces code may be buggy...)
  * - kw
@@ -2530,15 +2541,18 @@ PRIVATE HTLine * insert_blanks_in_line A
     if (line->size + added_chars > MAX_LINE - 2)
        return NULL;
     if (line == text->last_line)
-       mod_line = allocHTLine(MAX_LINE);
+       if (line == (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[0])
+           mod_line = (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[1];
+       else
+           mod_line = (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[0];
-       mod_line = allocHTLine(line->size + added_chars);
+       POOLallocHTLine(mod_line, line->size + added_chars);
     if (!mod_line)
        return NULL;
     if (!prev_anchor)
        prev_anchor = text->first_anchor;
     head_processed = (prev_anchor && prev_anchor->line_num < line_number);
-    memcpy(mod_line, line, LINE_SIZE(1));
+    memcpy(mod_line, line, LINE_SIZE(0));
     t = newdata = mod_line->data;
     ip = 0;
     while (ip <= ninserts) {
@@ -2639,7 +2653,6 @@ PRIVATE void split_line ARGS2(
        unsigned,       split)
     HTStyle * style = text->style;
-    HTLine * temp;
     int spare;
     int indent = text->in_line_1 ?
          text->style->indent1st : text->style->leftIndent;
@@ -2651,18 +2664,22 @@ PRIVATE void split_line ARGS2(
     int TailTrim = 0;
     int s, s_post, s_pre, t_underline = underline_on, t_bold = bold_on;
     char *p;
-    HTLine * previous = text->last_line;
     int ctrl_chars_on_previous_line = 0;
     int utfxtra_on_previous_line = UTFXTRA_ON_THIS_LINE;
     char * cp;
-    /* can't wrap in middle of multibyte sequences, so allocate 2 extra */
-    HTLine * line = (HTLine *)LY_CALLOC(1, LINE_SIZE(MAX_LINE)+2);

+    HTLine * previous = text->last_line;
+    HTLine * line;
-     *  Make new line.
+     *  Set new line.
-    if (line == NULL)
-       outofmem(__FILE__, "split_line_1");
+    if (previous == (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[0])
+       line = (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[1];
+    else
+       line = (HTLine*)tmp_long_line[0];
+    memset(line, 0, LINE_SIZE(0));
     ctrl_chars_on_this_line = 0; /*reset since we are going to a new line*/
     utfxtra_on_this_line = 0;  /*reset too, we'll count them*/
     text->LastChar = ' ';
@@ -2854,7 +2871,10 @@ PRIVATE void split_line ARGS2(

 #if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
-    line->styles = stylechanges_buffers[stylechanges_buffers_free = 
(stylechanges_buffers_free + 1) &1];
+    if (previous->styles == stylechanges_buffers[0])
+           line->styles = stylechanges_buffers[1];
+    else
+           line->styles = stylechanges_buffers[0];
     line->numstyles = 0;
        HTStyleChange *from = previous->styles + previous->numstyles - 1;
@@ -2948,18 +2968,21 @@ PRIVATE void split_line ARGS2(
 #endif /*USE_COLOR_STYLE*/

-    temp = (HTLine *)LY_CALLOC(1, LINE_SIZE(previous->size));
-    if (temp == NULL)
+    {
+    HTLine* temp;
+    POOLallocHTLine(temp, previous->size);
+    if (!temp)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "split_line_2");
     memcpy(temp, previous, LINE_SIZE(previous->size));
 #if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
+    POOLallocstyles(temp->styles, previous->numstyles);
     if (!temp->styles)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "split_line_2");
     memcpy(temp->styles, previous->styles, 
-    FREE(previous);
+    /*FREE(previous); tmp_long_line*/
     previous = temp;
+    }

     previous->prev->next = previous;   /* Link in new line */
     previous->next->prev = previous;   /* Could be same node of course */
@@ -3243,7 +3266,7 @@ PRIVATE void split_line ARGS2(
            previous->next->prev = jline;
            previous->prev->next = jline;

-           FREE(previous);
+           /*FREE(previous); tmp_long_line*/

            previous = jline;
@@ -4523,7 +4546,7 @@ PRIVATE int HText_insertBlanksInStblLine
            if (line == first_line)
                first_line = mod_line;
-           free(line);
+           /*free(line); POOL*/
            line = mod_line;
@@ -4909,8 +4932,9 @@ PUBLIC int HText_beginAnchor ARGS3(
        BOOL,                   underline,
        HTChildAnchor *,        anc)
-    TextAnchor * a = typecalloc(TextAnchor);
+    TextAnchor * a;

+    POOLtypecalloc(TextAnchor, a);
     if (a == NULL)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "HText_beginAnchor");
     a->inUnderline = underline;
@@ -5533,7 +5557,7 @@ PUBLIC void HText_endAppend ARGS1(
        next_to_the_last_line->next = line_ptr;
        line_ptr->prev = next_to_the_last_line;
-       FREE(text->last_line);
+       /*FREE(text->last_line); tmp_long_line*/
        text->last_line = next_to_the_last_line;
        CTRACE((tfp, "GridText: New bottom line: `%s'\n",
@@ -8520,18 +8544,16 @@ PUBLIC void HText_RemovePreviousLine ARG
        HText *,        text)
     HTLine *line, *previous;
-    char *data;

     if (!(text && text->Lines > 1))

     line = text->last_line->prev;
-    data = line->data;
     previous = line->prev;
     previous->next = text->last_line;
     text->last_line->prev = previous;
-    FREE(line);
+    /*FREE(line); POOL or tmp_long_line*/

@@ -9266,8 +9288,8 @@ PUBLIC int HText_beginInput ARGS3(
        BOOL,                   underline,
        InputFieldData *,       I)
-    TextAnchor * a = typecalloc(TextAnchor);
-    FormInfo * f = typecalloc(FormInfo);
+    TextAnchor * a;
+    FormInfo * f;
     CONST char *cp_option = NULL;
     char *IValue = NULL;
     unsigned char *tmp = NULL;
@@ -9278,6 +9300,8 @@ PUBLIC int HText_beginInput ARGS3(

     CTRACE((tfp, "GridText: Entering HText_beginInput\n"));

+    POOLtypecalloc(TextAnchor, a);
+    POOLtypecalloc(FormInfo, f);
     if (a == NULL || f == NULL)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "HText_beginInput");

@@ -9491,8 +9515,8 @@ PUBLIC int HText_beginInput ARGS3(
                  "GridText: No name present in input field; not 
-           FREE(a);
-           FREE(f);
+           /*FREE(a); pool*/
+           /*FREE(f); pool*/
@@ -11720,9 +11744,10 @@ PRIVATE void insert_new_textarea_anchor
      *  Clone and initialize the struct's needed to add a new TEXTAREA
      *  anchor.
-    if (((a = typecalloc(TextAnchor)) == 0) ||
-       ((f = typecalloc(FormInfo)) == 0) ||
-       ((l = allocHTLine(MAX_LINE)) == 0))
+    POOLallocHTLine(l, MAX_LINE);
+    POOLtypecalloc(TextAnchor, a);
+    POOLtypecalloc(FormInfo, f);
+    if (a == NULL || l == NULL || f == NULL)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "insert_new_textarea_anchor");

     /*  Init all the fields in the new TextAnchor.                 */
@@ -12543,9 +12568,10 @@ PUBLIC int HText_InsertFile ARGS1(

-    if (((a = typecalloc(TextAnchor)) == 0) ||
-       ((f = typecalloc(FormInfo)) == 0) ||
-       ((l = allocHTLine(MAX_LINE)) == 0))
+    POOLallocHTLine(l, MAX_LINE);
+    POOLtypecalloc(TextAnchor, a);
+    POOLtypecalloc(FormInfo, f);
+    if (a == NULL || l == NULL || f == NULL)
        outofmem(__FILE__, "HText_InsertFile");

     /*  Init all the fields in the new TextAnchor.                 */
diff -u -p old/lystruct.h ./lystruct.h
--- old/lystruct.h      Sun Oct  6 17:43:28 2002
+++ ./lystruct.h        Sun Oct 27 03:17:18 2002
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 #endif /* HTANCHOR_H */

 typedef struct {
-    int hl_x;
     char *hl_text;
+    short hl_x;
 } HiliteInfo;

 typedef struct {
-    int hl_len;                /* number of strings in this struct */
-    HiliteInfo hl_base;
     HiliteInfo *hl_info;
+    HiliteInfo hl_base;
+    short hl_len;              /* number of strings in this struct */
 } HiliteList;

 typedef struct {

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