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Re: lynx-dev '\' reloading documents

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev '\' reloading documents
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:48:40 +0900 (JST)

> Source_cache just keep text/html reply from the server (without headers),
> nothing more.
> If someone have write access to your temp files, then source_cache:file
> may be corrupted.  With source_cache:memory no corruption possible.

I understand the part about the file versus memory saving of the source_
cache and the relative security of each.  Thanks.

My question is different from how the content is stored.  It's really about
the content itself, and why Lynx would do a refresh as opposed to using its
stored source_cache.  I think another way to view my question is to ask
whether or not Lynx will receive exactly the same "text/html reply from the
server" at any point in time regardless of what state the various toggles
are in (', ", `, *, @, etc.).  If Lynx will get the same source no matter
how it is poised to render it (any of the toggles that would force a new
fetch when source_cache is turned off), then my question is answered, and
all my concerns vanish.

If, however, Lynx might get a different version of the source depending on
the display character set, valid vs. soft double-quote, or historical vs. 
valid/minimal comment settings, etc., then I still feel queasy.

Thanks for your patience.


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