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[m17n-list] How to return to status init and make status changing succes

From: Chen, Chien-ting
Subject: [m17n-list] How to return to status init and make status changing successfully.
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 17:51:10 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.7.0


I'm trying to make a test input method .mim with status changing that satisfied the following condition:

[ init ] ----> (map:consonants) --------<after inserting 1 consonant, or "ph", "ch", "th", "kh", "chh"> ------->[C-Vowel status (map:vowel)] -----> [init]


└---------->(map: non-poj) ----------------> [Escape(map:alnum)] ---->(nil (state init))------>[init]

And a make a test. but it doesn't work with expection.

How to solve the bug?

the test .mim file is attached .

Test item:

real result
expected result
pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe peC-VOWEL pe pe peC-VOWEL pe pe pe pe peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL
de de pe de pe de pe de de pe de pe de pe de de peC-VOWEL de peC-VOWEL de peC-VOWEL
qzie qzy pe pe pe pe pe pe pe qzie qzy peC-VOWEL pe pe peC-VOWEL pe pe pe qzie qzy peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL peC-VOWEL
chhe pte chhe pte chhe chhe chhe chhe chhetest pte chhe pte chhe chhe chhe chhe chheC-VOWEL pte chheC-VOWEL pte chheC-VOWEL chheC-VOWEL chheC-VOWEL chheC-VOWEL
the khe chhe qze qzw ke chhe phe thetest khe chhe qze qzw ke chhe phe theC-VOWEL kheC-VOWEL chheC-VOWEL qze qzw keC-VOWEL chheC-VOWEL pheC-VOWEL

Attachment: poj-test.mim
Description: Text document

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