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Re: MediaGoblin community meeting this weekend - 4pm Sat Feb 15 UTC-5

From: Christopher Lemmer Webber
Subject: Re: MediaGoblin community meeting this weekend - 4pm Sat Feb 15 UTC-5
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 10:28:40 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3

Horray!  I'll be there :)

Thank you for organizing, Ben!

Ben Sturmfels writes:

> Hi Folks,
> Please join us for a MediaGoblin community meeting this weekend!
> Everyone is welcome, whether or not you've used or contributed to
> MediaGoblin. Details and agenda below. See you there! :)
> Regards,
> Ben
> Time (1 hour):
> 4pm Sat Feb 15 (USA/New York UTC-5)
> 9pm Sat Feb 15 (UK/London UTC+0)
> 8am Sun Feb 16 (Australia/Sydney UTC+11)
> The meeting will be held over Mumble audio chat. You'll need the program
> Mumble as well as audio headset. Connect to: "", port
> "64738", password “goblincamp”, channel "Misc". Please ensure you allow
> plenty of time to run Mumble's audio configuration wizard beforehand.
> Meeting agenda
> Short-term:
>  - appreciation for the great work over the last few years
>  - a minor release ("we're still here")
>  - a forward-looking blog post or two
>  - ensuring issue tracker is working smoothly for new contributors
>  - urgent/blocking issues if any
> Long-term/strategic:
>  - how is MediaGoblin currently being used? (hear from those using)
>  - what is the problem(s) we're trying to solve?
>  - what does success look like for MediaGoblin?
>  - why have we lost some momentum? how do change that?
>  - review and prioritise major future milestones eg.
>    - current pain points for people managing/using MediaGoblin
>    - docs/migrating the wiki content
>    - resolving the Python 3 audioprocessing issues once and for all
>    - fixing the test suite
>    - improved installation (install instruction CI for multiple
>    distros, distribution packaging, Docker, Sandstorm, Guix)
>    - federation
>    - what goes into a 1.0? maybe not too much required?

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