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Re: MediaGoblin website moved to sourcehut pages (was: TLS certificate e

From: Ben Sturmfels
Subject: Re: MediaGoblin website moved to sourcehut pages (was: TLS certificate expired for, take 2)
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 10:52:18 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.2; emacs 27.2

Hi André,

The remove-jquery branch was a bit behind, so I've merged in from
master. Tests are now passing on this updated branch. Note that you may
need to reinstall the Python dependencies.

My slightly convoluted way to check the tests in a known good
environment is:

1. Modify Dockerfile-debian-11-sqlite to check out from "remove-jquery"
instead of master. Could equally be a branch of your own on any git
hosting service.

2. Run `docker build -t mediagoblin-debian-11 - < Dockerfile-debian-11-sqlite`

If you're still hitting issues, tell us more about what OS you're using
and what the errors are and I'll see if we can get you sorted out.


On Sun, 15 Aug 2021, André Jaenisch wrote:

> Thank you, Ben.
> I cloned the repo (anonymously) and followed the
> instructions on the archived HackingHowo for
> a local environment.
> Sadly, the tests don't pass (remove-jquery branch,
> commit 1a2da77b)
> Could be related to my Python 3 interpreter.
> Looks like it won't stop at jQuery, but also requires untangling
> from bower.
> But one step at a time!
> jgart, shall we coordinate offlist?
> I looked over a couple of files in the
> mediagoblin/static/js directory.
> You're using globals here, too.
> We could isolate those in IIFEs
> (= Immediately Invoked Function Expressions)
> in the first step.
> How do you test changes on JavaScript?
> I only saw pytests being executed.
> So … manually?
> We could set up some test suite that runs in a browser.
> Would be a bummer if refactoring broke functionality.
> Lastly, as non-member, how shall I submit patches?
> So far,
> André
> Am 15. August 2021 02:49:23 MESZ schrieb Ben Sturmfels <>:
>>Welcome André! I was worried for a minute that we'd confused things and
>>there was actually a framework called "Vanilla" when I found the below
>>site but it's actually a a hilarious parody site where the download is
>>zero bytes:
>>The mediagoblin code is at:
>>I did start on a "remove-jquery" branch, but you might want to
>>coordinate with jgart about what is best to work on.
>>On Sat, 14 Aug 2021, André Jaenisch wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> silent reader for years and Frontend engineer by trade here.
>>> Porting jQuery to Vanilla?
>>> Where can I find the code?
>>> (Last thing I recalled was GNU Savannah something).
>>> What's to consider regarding reproducibility?
>>> (Happy to continue off-list)
>>> André
>>> Am 14. August 2021 08:32:37 MESZ schrieb jgart <>:
>>>>On Sat, 14 Aug 2021 12:08:17 +1000 Ben Sturmfels <> wrote:
>>>>> I've taken the opportunity to transfer the website to sourcehut pages,
>>>>> which means we're no longer responsible for the hosting infrastructure
>>>>> here. It's a pretty good fit for a simple static site and is something
>>>>> I've been meaning to do for a long time.
>>>>Hi Ben,
>>>>Congrats on the move to sourcehut!
>>>>I've been sidetracked with work from continuing the jquery porting but I 
>>>>hope to start again soon.
>>>>My next step is to get set up and running with mediagoblin in a guix 
>>>>environment and start testing the js properly. 
>>>>I hope to find time again soon once things clear up for me.
>>>>Hello Matt,
>>>>If you'd like to help with this endeavour it would be great to setup a 
>>>>divide and conquer strategy if you  have the time. 
>>>>Essentially, we're trying to remove the dependency of jquery in mediagoblin 
>>>>and port over those bits to vanilla js so that we don't have to package 
>>>>jquery itself for guix.
>>>>Packaging jquery in a reproducible way in guix would be a nightmare at the 
>>>>moment until we figure out the "javascript dystopian novella" as cwebber 
>>>>calls it.
>>>>Let me know if you're interested and we can set up a time to meet to 
>>>>discuss the task more.
>>>>all best,

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