Hello All,
I have been using Mibble-2.9.3 and was attempting to parse TCP-MIB.
Now while parsing the table tcpConnectionEntry table row , the index for that table is
INDEX { tcpConnectionLocalAddressType,
tcpConnectionRemPort }
Now tcpConnectionLocalAddress is of type InetAddress which is defined in rfc4001 Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
My question is how do I determine the InetAddress type for MibbleValueSymbol of such a variable.
When I try to find the tag for the object that mibble returns it gives [UNIVERSAL 4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) which basically means the object is of type OCTET_STRING
I need a way to determine that this object is of type InetAddress . Can the mibble parser help with this ?