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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: renaming branches

From: Gerhard Schuck
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: renaming branches
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 07:17:14 +0900
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graydon hoare wrote:
Gerhard Schuck wrote:

simple question: Is it possible to rename (or delete) branches? The

it's possible, yes. you'd need to reissue new branch certs with the new names, and delete branch certs with the old names. there's no command to do this at the moment. it's possible to add one. doing it by hand at the moment would be a bit of a pain, unfortunately; the cert values (branch names) are all base64 encoded (with a trailing \n), so you need to do something awful like:

FROM=$(echo -n $OLD_BRANCH | mimencode)
IDS=$(monotone debug "$(printf "select id from manifest_certs where name='branch' and value='%s\n'" $FROM)" | grep -v row) monotone debug "$(printf "delete from manifest_certs where name='branch' and value='%s\n'" $FROM)"
for i in $IDS
    monotone cert manifest manifest $i branch $NEW_BRANCH

I tried the above commands in the following way:


FROM=$(echo -n $OLD_BRANCH | mimencode)
IDS=$(monotone --db=$ARCHIVE debug "$(printf "select id from
manifest_certs where name='branch' and value='%s\n'" $FROM)" | grep -v row)
monotone --db=$ARCHIVE debug "$(printf "delete from manifest_certs where
name='branch' and value='%s\n'" $FROM)"
for i in $IDS
   monotone --db=$ARCHIVE cert manifest manifest $i branch $NEW_BRANCH

That script failed with the following error message:

'delete from manifest_certs where name='branch' and value='VGVzdA==
'' -> 0 rows
Usage: monotone [OPTION...] command [ARGS...]

The old branch "Test" vanished from the output of "list branches"
though. So something must have changed in the database. But the new
branch name doesn't appear.

Is there any mistake in my script? What else can I try?

it'll probably be more sensible to make a "monotone branch rename" command which does this internally, since it's so awful.

Yes, that would be very nice.

Thanks for your help


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