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Re: [Monotone-devel] more merge problems

From: Derek Scherger
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] more merge problems
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 20:56:40 -0600
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Nathaniel Smith wrote:
This seems to indicate that in both branches you added a file called
"file2", but the files added were different.  If you had a file called
"file2" in the common ancestor and then edited it to be different in
each branch, that would work fine, but this is a different; it's a
tree layout conflict, not a within-file textual conflict.  Monotone
currently has no way to deal with tree layout conflicts, and just
bails out as you see...

That's exactly what I did, not realizing it would cause a problem. I'm just playing around with things at the moment trying to see how it works so it's not a big deal but it did make me think of a few things...

Looking at the schema it appears to me that files don't even have names independent of manifests (they're nothing but an sha1 version id and some data) so I'm playing around with a few different test cases to see how things work with this in mind.

Please note that in all of these tests I'm thinking more about what the graphs of manifests and files look like and what various operations might do to them rather than trying to solve any particular versioning problem. In this context I'm keeping the database very small (a few files and a few manifests) so that I can understand them.

It seems that the presence or absence of a common ancestor manifest is the crucial point in most of these cases.

*** Test Case 1: adding a file with the same name and same contents from two 
working copies

I expected that the second commit would NOT create a new file (since the sha1 is the same) and would also NOT create a new manifest (since the contents would be identical). This is exactly what happens but it did make me wonder what would happen with the various certs committed with the second manifest. It appears that the second set of date and changelong certs are created but they don't get listed by the log command. The branch and author certs don't get duplicated presumably since I'm the author of both and their on the same branch.

*** Test Case 2: adding a file with the same name and different contents from two working copies (which is the case that started this thread off)

I expected to get 2 different files (id and data) as well as two different manifests since they contain a different sha1 for one of the files. Again, this is exactly what happened. When I do monotone heads I see the different manifest versions listed. Note that I did this in the same db after Test Case 1 so the two manifests are descendants of the original manifest. If I do a diff between the two manifests I get the correct file difference listed.

I guess what I would expect out of a merge at this point would be to end up handling the tree conflict manually since merging the manifest is essentially a file merge... I might see the two conflicting sha1 version codes for the file and have to select one or the other or neither or both with the additional specification of unique names.

On second thought, maybe I should have to merge the contents of the two files that have the same name. It's certainly not a clear cut case, you probably need the option to merge the manifest or the file's contents somehow.

*** Test Case 3: adding a file under two different names from two working copies (in a clean db)

I expected to end up with one file and two manifests listing the two different names, and this is exactly what I got, monotone heads lists the two manifest versions So now I have two manifests, listing the same file (contents) under two different names.

Here I think I would expect a merge to combine the two manifests by simply including the file under both names. The merge does succeed, but one of the names is dropped. I do see some rename certs in the db but they aren't listed by the log command. Actually, on a filesystem that supports it might be sensible to get 2 hard links to the same data, just as it is stored in the monotone db. hmm... this is probably pretty questionable though.

*** Test Case 4: add one file under one name in one working copy, and add another file under another name in another working copy (probably this is the most normal case).

This works fine if both working copies are up to date with the same manifest but if done in a clean database (i.e. with no manifest in it) then it ends up like case 3 above and one of the files gets dropped which almost certainly seems bad.

(Does anyone out there have experience with bitkeeper, and can say how
they deal with tree layout conflicts, esp. at the UI level?  It's not
obvious what to do...)

I don't, but it seems that human intervention is definitely required and the UI representation is probably rather important. Considering case 2 above, if the manifest merge was done using a simple text editor that represented the conflict with cvs style markers you might be able to decide which line to keep and which to delete or you might just assign unique names to the two files and then fix them later.

I do realize that the manifest merge is probably done completely internally without using the external lua merge hooks but maybe using them would help solve the problem.

I have added the RCS merge program (which handles conflicts in the familiar cvs style) to my lua merge3 hook and it seems ok except that you get a file committed with conflict markers. This would probably be tough for manifests though, considering that their contents is rather important compared with regular files.


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