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[Nano-devel] Bugs in GNU nano 1.2.1

From: Henrik Carlsson
Subject: [Nano-devel] Bugs in GNU nano 1.2.1
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 04:06:27 -0700 (PDT)

I have discovered two bugs in Nano. They have
similaritys so I report 
both at the same time.

1. Sometimes unrequested letters show up in a
document. They can't be 
removed, but neighter do they stay in the file if I
save, exit and then 
It is no big deal but can get enoying.

2. Sometimes when I hold the Alt GR-button (in order
to make a special 
sign suck as { or } ) it adds the number 0 where I
have the cursor. The 
0 can be removed and will be saved if I save the
In case someone writes quick and don't really check
his/her text, this 
can cause big trouble when programming.

I hope this report is any help to you.

//Henrik "MrHenko" Carlsson

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