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[Nano-devel] GNU nano 1.3.2

From: Chris Allegretta
Subject: [Nano-devel] GNU nano 1.3.2
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 20:39:31 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Sorry for the delay David...

2004.03.31 - GNU nano 1.3.2 is prepared for the void.  New features in
                this release include the ability to spell-check only
                marked text and the ability to save all backup files in
                a specified directory instead of wherever the original
                files are.  Bug fixes include a fix for a segfault when
                replacing certain regular expressions, fixes for some
                misbehavior when doing searches, minor fixes to verbatim
                input mode and keyboard input in general, better
                handling of window resizes at certain times, and
                allowing the mark to be saved properly again when
                switching between multiple file buffers.  nano has also
                been ported to the Tandem NonStop Kernel.  Have fun.

Chris A
Chris Allegretta


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