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Re: [Nano-devel] .nano_history loading

From: David Benbennick
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] .nano_history loading
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 18:14:12 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 12:26:07AM +0200, David Lawrence Ramsey wrote:
> Sorry for the lack of responses lately.  I've been on a slower than 
> usual connection lately (i.e, dialup),

Ugh!  That sounds unpleasant.  I'm using some unknown neighbor's wireless 

> Specifically, the reliance on getline() is a problem.

Since it's GPL, you can just include the getline source with Nano.  
There's a version at

though there might be a better version in the glibc source code.

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