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Re: [Nano-devel] Re: translation updates

From: Jordi Mallach
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] Re: translation updates
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 00:43:01 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040803i

Hi Trevor,

On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 10:27:46PM +0000, Trevor Lalish-Menagh wrote:
> How can O get involved with the translation project? I could translate to 
> Japanese if it isn't already being done.

The translation project <>
manages the translation files for a variety of projects, including many
official GNU packages like nano.

You just need to join your team contacting the team leader at
<>, and in
your case, as you're going to translate nano, you'll need to send a
document to the FSF disclaiming your copyright on your translation to
them, so that defending nano in court is easier. This doesn't mean you
give the copyright to them. Have a look at for more

While your disclaimer is processed, you might want to start translating
and post the result here. Once you're officially assigned as the
Japanese translator at the TP, you'll be able to send the translation
through the usual channel, which is the robot.

Thanks for the offer!

Jordi Mallach PĂ©rez  --  Debian developer
address@hidden     address@hidden
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