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Re: [Nano-devel] Syntax Highlighting

From: Mitchell Bumgarner
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] Syntax Highlighting
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 20:26:46 +0000

Sorry about the confusion! I must have gotten those two mixed up. I thought 
nano created them for me, but I was the one who had put them in there. The 
shell one you have listed is obviously much better than mine! We can cross that 
one off the list, for sure!

I am currently using nano 2.4.2, but I’m not sure which version of nano these 
were created under. I have tested it on 2.4.2, though. 

I have also edited both the bat and powershell to contain the changes that you 
have mentioned. I hope the updated versions look better.

As for the type of files, batch files and powershell files are both windows 
script files. I currently work in Windows or Unix based systems and frequently 
edit between the two. When I created these, I assume many system administrators 
do the same. The nano editor is my editor of choice which is why I created 
these for this. I hope the updated are helpful.

If I need to submit them somewhere else as possible patch changes, please let 
me know. I was unsure of the process to try to add content. Thank you!

For ease:

Mitch Bumgarner
UC Consulting Engineer  | CDW
Phone: 317.569.4239
Cell: 812.463.2391

On 11/12/15, 2:09 PM, "Benno Schulenberg" <address@hidden> wrote:

>Hello Mitchell,
>On Thu, Nov 12, 2015, at 18:15, Mitchell Bumgarner wrote:
>>      I’m not sure if you still update the nano-editor,
>Yes, the idea is that we still do.  :)
>The current stable version is 2.4.2.
>> but I believe have fixed a couple of the syntax highlighting files.
>Well... it seems you have based your work on an old version of nano.
>Which one precisely?
>> I have made one for shell files called sh.nanorc.
>But this already exists, since long, in nano.
>> Also, I was able to fix the Batch and Powershell files.
>These don't exist in nano.  Does Apple add them?
>(Or you meant the other way around: you made these two,
>and changed the sh one?)
>> All 3 files can be located at
>I've had a look.  How is your sh.nanorc better than this one?:
>In the powershell.nanorc file, it would be much better to write things like:
>icolor brightred 
>like this instead:
>icolor brightred "[[:space:]](Add-Computer|Add-Content|...)[[:space:]]"
>What are batch and powershell?  Are they things that run only on a Mac?
>> Thank you for your amazing product!
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