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Re: [Nano-devel] [PATCH] browser: replace newpath by path and present_pa

From: Rishabh Dave
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] [PATCH] browser: replace newpath by path and present_path
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:41:21 +0530

So... I am a little confused because there wasn't a lot of things
originally on my side. But I made similar changes and received a
similar error message - " Cannot open directory: Unknown error 1439 ".

I hope I am correct when I do this:  replace "free(path); path = NULL"
by path = mallocstrcpy(path, present_path);"  and  remove the code
"path = mallocstrcpy(path, present_path);"

Attached patch is signed.

I was going to change the subject in patch to "browser: elide variable
newpath with path" to make clear that newpath is a /variable/ being
replaced. But we use elide often to mean omit, not merge. So, I
restored to original subject which is now.

Attachment: 0001-browser-replace-newpath-by-path-and-present_path.patch
Description: Text Data

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