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Re: Possible new feature: use the top-right corner for state information

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: Re: Possible new feature: use the top-right corner for state information
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 19:13:58 +0200
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Op 16-04-2020 om 16:24 schreef Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita:
> I'd like to implement this:
> Any objection?

First send an RFC to the list.  That Savannah item is just a request from
one person.

Start a new thread, and put the full proposal in your email, not just a URL
(do NOT require people to click), and give reasons.  And ask if anyone else
is interested in this feedback in the title bar.

> Also, now that we finally anchors, I was thinking about some new uses for it:
>  * Toggling search/linter results to anchors
>     These would allow us to make other searchs without losing previous
> search or linter results. This is very useful when I want clear all
> warnings/errors from a file.

It is unclear what exactly you are proposing.  What I know would be useful
to me is: an automatic placement of an anchor at the current cursor position
whenever I start a search (^W/^Q).  I don't see how placing an anchor at
every found occurrence is useful, as ^W/^Q have history and you can quickly
find those occurrences again.  And automatic placement of anchors at the
locations of linter results...  If you really think this is useful, you could
make it for yourself and use it, and when it proves itself useful in practice,
you could propose it on the list.


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