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Re: [Nel] Release Schedule and some questions ?

From: Vianney Lecroart
Subject: Re: [Nel] Release Schedule and some questions ?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:12:40 +0100

>1)  Are you going to add to the FAQ how to build  the stuff ? I am
currently running on Win2k with VC6 ( though I have a linux box also to try
this out >on ) and it appears you have some paths coded to your environment
and not within the project file, e.g. whatever\nel\include is missing.
>It would be useful in the FAQ if it contained a list of any dependencies
that the system also requires like the STL code. Yeah I know its in there
:-)  But it >will save you answering the same question lots of time for
those that don't look at the src

I'm working on the Visual C++ INSTALL file that explains everything you have
to do to install and compile our project. It should be available in few
days. (The unix one should come too in few days). But we don't plan to add
it in the faq, we'll put it in the root directory.

>3) Congrats on releasing the src early, that means we can start reading and
learning now before we have 1000's of files to wade through.


-Vianney Lecroart

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