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Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh current development

From: Jon Steinhart
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh current development
Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 18:16:01 -0700

> --- Josh Bressers <address@hidden> wrote:
> > does the current development team
> > still have any interest in this codebase?
> I'm not a developer, Josh, just a kibitzer. ;-)  The list archives show
> bursts of interest and some obviously qualified people working on code.
>  From what I can tell as a non-contributor, the problem is
> coordination: no one willing and/or able to step in and build releases.
>  (In case anyone feels attacked, please don't.  I'm trying to be fair
> here.)
> It's frustrating to watch MH/nmh slowly dying like this.  Maybe that's
> too strong a way to say it, but that's how it feels sometimes.  I keep
> hoping that one qualified person who cares and who has some time to
> spare can jump in...
> Jerry
> -- 
> Jerry Peek, address@hidden, http://www.jpeek.com/

Jerry, I don't think that this is quite right.  I'm willing to take over
releases if need be.  Any time that I've tried to push on this in the
past the current maintainer has gotten offended and promised to eventually
do something.  We did have a change in maintainer a few years ago, and I
get the idea that that person got burned out by the savannah problems.
I'll take it over if that's OK with the current maintainer.  I'm not a
great expert on all of the fine points of mail delivery, but I do have
an interest in modernizing the code base and adding new features.

Jon Steinhart

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