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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #58374] print function creates path not readab

From: Rik
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #58374] print function creates path not readable by latex
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 12:28:16 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

Follow-up Comment #7, bug #58374 (project octave):

This fix is simple and should have worked.  I think it may have been placed in
the wrong location.  I was working with the development branch of Octave and
there have been changes to print.m which means the line numbers where the code
insertion should go are different.  In version 5.2 the line number for
insertion is 952.  Here is the code as it should appear

function latex_standalone (opts)

  n = find (opts.name == ".", 1, "last");
  if (! isempty (n))
    opts.name = opts.name(1:n-1);
  latexfile = [opts.name ".tex"];

  switch (opts.devopt)
    case {"pdflatexstandalone"}
      packages = "\\usepackage{graphicx,color}";
      graphicsfile = [opts.name "-inc.pdf"];
    case {"pslatexstandalone"}
      packages = "\\usepackage{epsfig,color}";
      graphicsfile = [opts.name "-inc.ps"];
      packages = "\\usepackage{epsfig,color}";
      graphicsfile = [opts.name "-inc.eps"];
  if (ispc ())
    ## Note: Necessary because filesep '\' on Windows is escape char in
    graphicsfile = strrep (graphicsfile, '\', '/');

  papersize = sprintf
                       fix (opts.canvas_size), fix (opts.canvas_size));

Could you try this?


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