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Re: meshz, and leading axis handles to mesh, meshc and surface

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: meshz, and leading axis handles to mesh, meshc and surface
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:39:26 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

John W. Eaton wrote:
On 28-Nov-2007, David Bateman wrote:

| That is, as you say rather convoluted, and hard to understand. It also
| doesn't handle the majority of cases, which are more like
| | [h, varargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("foo", varargin{:});
| oldh = gca ();
| unwind_protect
|   axes(h);
|   tmp = someplot(h, varargin{:});
| unwind_protect_cleanup
|   axes (oldh);
| end_unwind_protect
| | Note that "axes" is called before the plot command. Therefore the issue
| has to be handled in axes. Unfortunately "axes" which no arguments
| already has another meaning and so "axes(ax_arg{:})" won't be.. I think
| I prefer the ax = NaN meaning the current axes as its much simpler.

OK, then please check in your changes.

Also, I think I noticed a bug.  After executing the following

  line ();
  axes ();

I think the figure window should be displaying an empty axes object,
but it still has the line.  Do you see the same?  I don't see why this
is happening, because after the call to axes,

  get (gca (), 'children')

returns [](0x0).  Hmm.  Also, doing this

  axes ();
  line ();

doesn't display the line, although

  get (get (gca (), 'children'), 'type')

returns "line".  Also, an explicit

  drawnow ()

does not fix the display.  I guess something is not setting the
__modified__ property for the figure when it should.


I check Michael's comment with

octave:1> line()
octave:2> axes()
octave:3> xlim([0,2.1])
octave:5> cf = gcf()
octave:6> ax = get(gcf(),'children')
ax =

 -1  -7

octave:8> get(ax(1),'type')
ans = axes
octave:9> get(ax(2),'type')
ans = axes

and this seems to be consistent behavior wrt matlab.


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