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Re: 2.9.18 --> 3.0

From: Thomas Treichl
Subject: Re: 2.9.18 --> 3.0
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:26:21 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20071031)

John W. Eaton schrieb:
Almost two months ago, on 6-Oct-2007, I wrote:

| OK, I have the following items for 2.9.15, then bug fixes only until
| 3.0 (really, I mean it this time :-):
| | * GPLv3
|   * diag should preserve class/type
|   * filename completion (if possible)
|   * verify that the new residue works (could use some tests)
|   * improve residue doc string
|   * interp2 bug
|   * num2str bug
|   * any other pending bug reports?
| | Is there anything else?

Since then, there have been three snapshots (2.9.15, 2.9.16, and
2.9.17) and many changes.  Are we converging on 3.0 yet?  Many of the
recent additions have been graphics-related, and I think we are making
great progress there, but at some point I think we will have to
actually make a release...  However, given the large number of recent
changes, I think we need another snapshot first.  Are there any
critical bugs to fix or other changes to make before 2.9.18?  3.0?



Hallo John,

not a critical problem, I just recognized that the output of the function 'error' produces different outputs if used in the command window -- from out an *.m file and an *.oct file. I must say that I didn't had a look at the origin of the problem and didn't search the mailing lists if it is known but I attach three very similar example files so that you should be able to reproduce the different outputs.

/* mkoctfile --mex cwarnerr.c */

#include <mex.h>

void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 
  mxArray *retval = NULL;
  mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt ("ccwarnerr:WarnID", "This is a warning with ID");
  mexErrMsgIdAndTxt  ("ccwarnerr:ErrID", "This is an error with ID");
  plhs[0] = retval;
// mkoctfile ccwarnerr.cc

#include <oct.h>

DEFUN_DLD (ccwarnerr, nargout, args, "none") {
  octave_value_list retval;
  warning_with_id ("ccwarnerr:WarnID", "This is a warning with ID");
  error_with_id   ("ccwarnerr:ErrID", "This is an error with ID");
  return retval;
function [] = mwarnerr ()
  warning ("mwarnerr:WarnID", "This is a warning with ID");
  error   ("mwarnerr:ErrID", "This is an error with ID");

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