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Re: Patch to residue.m

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Patch to residue.m
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 11:32:06 +0800

Unfortunately, I can't receive email from my usual server today :- ( ... but did see your response on the octave web site.

So I thought I'd cut and paste a bit and respond.

> Regarding, "toler" and "small" these two have two different purposes. > "toler" is used to determine the pole multiplicity and "small" is used > to round off to zero, pure real, or pure imaginary values. If "toler"
> is replace by "small" there will be no multiplicity of poles. So I
> don't think that is practical.

Well, that doesn't mean that small = toler = 1e-12. Perhaps some other value. I'm just trying to justify in my mind the need for two tolerance parameters vs. one.

I'd love to have a consistent and proper method to determine tolerances for determining multiplicity and zero/real/imag values. Do you have any idea how that might be done, or where to look for a mathematical method?

I spent a few hours googling yesterday in the hopes of finding a reference for who the error in the method used by roots.m might be estimated. Unfortunately, I did not find anything useful.

Today I decided to try some different examples to see how the errors vary with the order of the polynomial. I tried four cases.

(1) I assumed a varying order where all roots = pi.
(2) Same as (1), but when solving for the roots, I took the mean.
(3) I selected roots spiraling outward from the unit circle in the complex plane.
(4) I selected roots as p = 1:order

From these roots, I constructed representative polynomials, solved for the roots, and calculated the error in the solution.

I've attached the resulting plot.

While the plot doesn't offer much insight into how we might estimate the error of the roots, a few observations can be made.

(a) taking the mean to determine the pole value in the presence of multiplicity is a *good* idea! (b) order and differences in values all effect the accuracy by which the roots are determined.

> What we really need is numerically more accurate method for determining
> the roots. This entire discussion is the consequence of  inaccurate
> roots. So if we are to address the ills of residue.m, a better roots.m
> will be needed, in my opinion anyway.

I think you are right. The roots being off by o(1e-5) seems rather poor. Averaging gets to o(1e-15) and machine precision is o(1e-16)? One would think maybe o(1e-10) or better is achievable. Maybe you are trying to improve on something that should be addressed elsewhere, and if that where fixed your
tolerance equations could be simplified.

Once an agreement is reached that averaging the pole values in the presence of multiplicity is proper, then there no longer remains is the errors introduced by roots.m ... well that any any adjustments we might want to apply in residue.m in consideration of those errors. By "adjustments", I refer to the conversion to zero/real/imag values based upon some tolerance.

There are more reliable methods to determine the roots of polynomials, but there are ***very*** slow :-(

If you're interested in looking over an example, Google "multroots".


Attachment: roots_and_order.pdf
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