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Reducing memory by emulating IDL's temporary() function

From: Judd Storrs
Subject: Reducing memory by emulating IDL's temporary() function
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:51:08 -0400


I previously posted to octave-help about IDL's temporary() function which can be used in IDL to reduce memory duplications in some situations. The documentation for IDL's function can be found at http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/idl_html_help/TEMPORARY.html

From the summary:

"The TEMPORARY function returns a temporary copy of a variable, and sets the original variable to "undefined". This function can be used to conserve memory when performing operations on large arrays, as it avoids making a new copy of results that are only temporary. In general, the TEMPORARY routine can be used to advantage whenever a variable containing an array on the left hand side of an assignment statement is also referenced on the right hand side."

I've cobbled together a DLM that tries to replicate this behavior in octave (code at bottom of message). Here's the code I'm using for testing it:

% Baseline
A = zeros(4096,4096);
B = zeros(4096,4096);
A = A + B + B;

% Using temporary()
A = zeros(4096,4096);
B = zeros(4096,4096);
A = temporary("A") + B + B;

Right now, temporary() takes a string, because I haven't figured out how to find the symbol_record of the parameter.

I think it may be working -- I used the gnome-system-monitor graphs and increased the matrix sizes until I could see the bumps in the graphs. Using the baseline code I think I see the memory use step up three times. Using temporary it only steps up twice. Is there a better way to monitor octave's memory use?



#include <oct.h>

extern OCTINTERP_API symbol_table *curr_caller_sym_tab;

DEFUN_DLD(temporary, args, ,
          "Try to remove a variable from the caller scope and also return it.")
  std::string name = args(0).string_value();
  symbol_record * ptr;
  ptr = curr_caller_sym_tab->lookup(name);
  octave_value retval = ptr->def();
  return retval;

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