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Re: Graphical help browser

From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Subject: Re: Graphical help browser
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 00:51:10 -0600

2008/11/23 Soren Hauberg <address@hidden>:

>  We only have the info browser, which IMHO have two problems: 1)
> you have to remember some keyboard shortcuts (that I always forget), and

> 2) it opens in the same window as the Octave prompt meaning I can't look
> at them both at the same time.

The point of info is that it's supposed to be easy to generate
HTMLified versions of the docs, as well as other versions (pdf,
plaintext, whatever). Okay, the generated HTML isn't very pretty, and
it's not easy to insert images into TeXinfo files (I think), but it
solves both of the problems above. Currently QtOctave uses Octave's
HTMLified TeXinfo as a documentation browser, and whatever other
problems QtOctave has, this one does seem like the right thing to do.

What problem are you solving that generating HTML from TeXinfo isn't solving?

- Jordi G. H.

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