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Re: request of Mac OSX users (was: question regarding communication with

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: request of Mac OSX users (was: question regarding communication with gnuplot)
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 11:46:30 -0500

On Dec 27, 2008, at 12:34 AM, Ben Abbott wrote:

The gnuplot maintainers have recently committed a change that allows the x11 terminal to have its size and position specified.

I've modified a local version of gnuplot_drawnow to take advantage of these features. The first time a plot is drawn it works correctly. When I place a loop around a plot command, the plot grows progressively taller. It appears the each plot produces a window which is taller by an amount approximately equal to 10 pixels.

Thus, figure(1) below is about 100 pixels taller than figure(2)

        for n=1:11


I'd like to be able to examine the entire gnuplot stream. Unfortunately, if I replace "drawnow" with

        drawnow ("x11", "/dev/null", true, sprintf("debug-%d.gp", n))

The plots render as would be expected.

In the unlikely event that someone has a recent build of gnuplot 4.3.0+ and a recent developers build for octave, I've attached a path for gnuplot_drawnow that adds a single line to gnuplot_drawnow and willl produce the effect I've described.

So my question is, can anyone describe what is changes for the gnuplot stream in these two examples?


I've spent some time isolating the problem regarding the recently committed a change to gnuplot that allows the x11 terminal to have its size and position specified. The problem is not related to Octave, but it is a problem if supporting the figure handle property "position" is desired (which I've been working on).

Thus far, my exchanges with the gnuplot developers indicates that the problem may be isolated to my system. I'm running Mac OSX 10.5.6 and XQuartz 2.3.1 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple17).

I'm hoping someone here is also running OSX and gnuplot 4.3.0+ (Revision > 1.2224.2.330). If so the following commands place iteratively in a file produce a plot whose height iteratively grows taller.

        set terminal x11 size 560,480 position 440,106
        set multiplot;
        plot x
        unset multiplot;

I've attached a file with the iterations. I'd be interested in what other Mac OSX users get when the following is typed from the Terminal window.

        gnuplot -persist simple_example.gp

Please let me know if the plot grows taller and include your Mac OSX version, and the x-server information.


Attachment: simple_example.gp
Description: Binary data

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