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Re: fltk printing [changest]

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: fltk printing [changest]
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 20:48:31 -0400

On Aug 1, 2010, at 10:01 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:

> On Aug 1, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:
>> On Aug 1, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Shai Ayal <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:21 PM, bpabbott <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> Regarding gl2ps, I've made some assumptions.
>>>> (1) That the GL2PS_PS/EPS/PDF/TEX/SVG/PGF formats will each be supported.
>>> As usual, its not so simple. The when outputting in PDF format, GL2PS
>>> does not respect text alignment, so all labels are placed wrong. If
>>> someone has a little PDF knowledge, this could probably be fixed in
>>> GL2PS.
>>>> (2) That the output will respect the figure's papersize, paperorientation,
>>>> and paperposition property.
>>> This is also not supported by GL2PS, but I will try to implement it,
>>> at least for ps and maybe for eps
>>> Shai
>> I've been studying ghostscript and am now able to use the eps file from 
>> GL2PS to produce Matlab compatible PS and PDF output in portrait. I hope to 
>> manage landscape as well.
>> I like this solution, but let me know what you're thoughts are.
>> For the SVG/PGF/TEX output, I think GL2PS is the best option.
>> Ben
> I've got the landscape part working, and have attached a changeset for those 
> interested in testing it.
> I still need to remove debug code (turned on by "-debug") and improve the 
> documentation prior to committing.
> Output devices that (should) work now are ....
> eps, epsc, eps2, epsc2, ps, ps2, psc, psc2, jpg, png, pbm, tiff, aifm, dxf, 
> emf, fig hpgl, pstex, and mf.
> Devices not yet supported are ...
> epslatex, epslatexstandalone, pslatex, svg, tikz
> The first three need support for GL2PS_TEX, and the last two require 
> GL2PS_SVG, GL2PS_PGF, respectively.
> Ben

I've pushed a changeset.


There are two "features" I'm aware of.

(1) Cropping the EPS files produces by GL2PS removes the axis and tick labels. 
This can be seen by adding the -tight option to the print command.
(2) Appending PS files from GL2PS mangles the fonts.

I don't have a solution for (1). For (2) a PS wrapper can be used.


That solution looks messy to me. Is there a better way?

In addition to adding the PS and PDF output, I've included several bitmap 
devices that are supported by Matlab. This was a trivial change since 
ghostscript does all the work.

As I mentioned above, support of GL2PS_TEX, GL2PS_SVG, GL2PS_PGF still needs to 
be included by someone more skilled, than myself,  in c/c++. Until that happens 
the effected devices (epslatex, epslatexstandalone, pslatex, svg, tikz), will 
produce eps output.


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