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Re: fltk printing [PDF problems]

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: fltk printing [PDF problems]
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 15:16:30 -0400

On Aug 1, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Shai Ayal wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:21 PM, bpabbott <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Regarding gl2ps, I've made some assumptions.
>> (1) That the GL2PS_PS/EPS/PDF/TEX/SVG/PGF formats will each be supported.
> As usual, its not so simple. The when outputting in PDF format, GL2PS
> does not respect text alignment, so all labels are placed wrong. If
> someone has a little PDF knowledge, this could probably be fixed in
> GL2PS.
>> (2) That the output will respect the figure's papersize, paperorientation,
>> and paperposition property.
> This is also not supported by GL2PS, but I will try to implement it,
> at least for ps and maybe for eps
> Shai

Shai / others,

I've played with direct PDF output (no ghostscript). The direct approach 
produces a superior image for surface plots.

If you try a plot of "surf (peaks)" with the current sources the surface plot 
has some small gaps visible (for me anyway) along the mesh. However, a larger 
problem is the time needed to open and display the resulting pdf file (several 

As an experiment I modified __fltk_print__.m to allow pdf to be created 
directly (patch is attached). The result is a file that loads instantly and has 
no visible defects in the surface plot.

However, as you (Shai) noted above the alignment of the text objects is wrong.

If direct PDF output by GL2PS place the text objects correctly, it think it 
possible to use PDF as the basis for all output (rather than EPS as is done 

Another solution would be to determine why surface plots exported as EPS render 
so slowly, and fix that.

Unfortunately, I have little value as a c/c++ programmer.


Attachment: changeset.patch
Description: Binary data

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