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dolfin function to octave function

From: c.
Subject: dolfin function to octave function
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 13:29:10 +0200


The following code in the "AD_time" example

U = lsode (@(u, t) f(u, t, A, ML), u, time);
for ii = 1:1:numel (time)
  name = sprintf ("u_%3.3d", ii);
  delete ([name ".vtu"]);
  fpl_vtk_write_field (name, msho, {U(ii,:)', 'u'}, {}, 1);

is a very dirty hack of extremely limited use, it only happens to work
because the function space you are using for this problem has lagrangian
degrees of freedom located at the vertices of the tetrahedra.

It will fail for higher order elements that have more degrees of freedom per 
and it will also fail for elements where the dofs are not collocated at the 
element vertices,
like e.g. raviart-thomas.

What is really needed is a method to evaluate the problem solution at a set of 
defined by their coordinates.

you should add this to the todo list for project completion.


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