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Re: Segmentation Fault with Octave MXE under Windows

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault with Octave MXE under Windows
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:54:08 -0500
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On 07/09/2014 09:32 PM, ijourneaux wrote:
Daniel Sebald wrote
          if (!rep)
            fprintf(stdout, "NULL POINTER!  RETURNING.\n");
          fprintf(stdout, "Pointer OK.\n");

I modified the code as you proposed. If I have the line

fprintf(stdout, "Pointer OK.\n");

in the code, I get a bunch of "Pointer OK" lines showing up in the cmd
window. Unfortunately I get too many lines to quickly to see anything else.
I certainly don't see the Segfault error.

All right, that rules out the use of NULL pointer. The source of the problem is probably within __magick_read__.cc, i.e., this function:

DEFUN_DLD (__magick_read__, args, nargout,

It calls

  std::vector<Magick::Image> imvec;
  read_file (args(0).string_value () imvec);

and read_file() makes use of the Image Magick library:

      Magick::readImages (&imvec, filename);

So there is a lot going on there. I looked at the header file from the Image Magick library. It's kind of confusing. I see two such files in the include directory:


and the two header files are slightly different in places.

So I though let's just remove the line

fprintf(stdout, "Pointer OK.\n");

With that single change, I don't see any lines
and the segfault message reappears.

I am not sure what is happening.

Sometimes these types of segfault bugs are haphazard. Shuffling around program or data memory just the slightest bit will change the manifestation of the bug.

All of that Magick library code is too much for me to dig into right now. But it is clear that there is a lot happening in terms of acquiring hunks of memory, cloning parameters, keeping track of these image hunks in a list, etc. And as far as this eventually being transformed into an octave_value_list object that Octave can understand, that is done with

read_indexed_images<TYPE> ();

A couple things strike me. One is that it's certainly conceivable that your version of Image Magick code has a bug in it. The second is the fact that there sure seems to be a lot going on with the stack. The contents of

  std::vector<Magick::Image> imvec;

probably has at its core heap memory from cloning and whatnot (and where that is freed after being copied to an Octave container, I'm not sure). So your stack could be overflowing (hence the strange comment you saw about no stack). The octave_value_list is created on the stack and passed back to the calling code. I assume the octave_value_list is what's being accounted for by the "repcount" to cut down on memory usage.

Anyway, that's all mere speculation, but lets try something to understand why the segmentation fault is showing up where it is and that is confirm that it is the deleting of the octave_value_list where the system fault lies. Remove the "fprintf" statements, and put new ones like this:

    virtual ~Array (void)
      if (--rep->count == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "RIGHT BEFORE DELETE\n");
        delete rep;
fprintf(stdout, "RIGHT AFTER DELETE\n");
        rep = NULL;

I'm wondering if by stack overflow or something else about copying Magick::Image objects the class object that is deleted is corrupted somehow. If you see "RIGHT BEFORE DELETE" and then the segfault message, then the crash is during that delete.

Now, if that is the case, I'm thinking you should be able to investigate a little bit from the Octave command line what might be happening. That is, rather than

test imread

Try some of the commands that are within the test code of imread to create, save to file and retrieve from file some image with a pattern (a ramp, alternate levels, etc.). Try to display that image in a plot. Check whether that image looks the way it should. I would think that if the class object is corrupted, the image might look incorrect.


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