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Mac build script

From: Ian Esten
Subject: Mac build script
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 07:02:50 -0800

Hi all,

I have a build script nearing completion that builds octave and its
dependencies. It will be easy to add a packaging stage, too.

The script builds everything and then creates a  self contained app
bundle. I have all the library relocation(*) working correctly. The
remaining problem I am facing is that octave seems to be loading oct
files (and maybe other dynamically loaded code) relative to $prefix as
passed to configure. The comand line application loads fine, but the
gui app does not. It tries to dynamically load something that is
installed under $prefix, which fails because the dynamic code that is
installed there has not been relocated(*). The dynamic code in
question is something to do with fltk.

So, my question is: is there a way to override octave looking for
dynamic libraries under $prefix?


* - when I say relocated, I am refering to using install_name_tool to
make the linker point to the appropriate library in the app bundle.

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