Dear all,
I was able to build Octave 4.2.1 tarball with gcc 6.3.0 and gprof on
debian stretch with
../octave-4.2.1/configure CFLAGS=-pg -no-pie CXXFLAGS=-pg -no-pie
--disable-java --disable-docs --without-qt --without-fftw3
--without-fltk --enable-static --disable-dl --disable-shared
the --no-pie is important for gcc > 4.9:
I run Riks benchmark
a = 1; b = 1; tic; for i=1:1000; for j=1:1000; a = a + b + 123.0; end;
end; t1=toc(); t1
and uploaded the result here:
I hope that I have time to build my docker images from 3.6.4 until 4.3.0
with gprof the next days