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Inf norm help problem

From: Vic Norton
Subject: Inf norm help problem
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 16:41:06 -0500

An experiment with GNU Octave, version 4.2.1:
octave> help norm
'norm' is a built-in function from the file libinterp/corefcn/data.cc
 -- norm (A)
   If A is a vector or a scalar:
     If A is a vector or a scalar:
    P = `Inf' or "inf"
          `max (abs (A))’.

octave> norm([1;2;3],'Inf')
error: norm: unrecognized option: Inf
octave> norm([1;2;3],"Inf")
error: norm: unrecognized option: Inf
octave> norm([1;2;3],'inf')
ans =  3
octave> norm([1;2;3],"inf")
ans =  3

With MATLAB R2017b (
64-bit (maci64)
September 14, 2017
All four options work the way they are supposed to.

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