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Re: Facing issues with Octave build with JIT Compiler Option

From: Julien Bect
Subject: Re: Facing issues with Octave build with JIT Compiler Option
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 15:50:23 +0100
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Le 19/03/2018 à 08:07, Prasad K a écrit :
I am using Ubuntu 16.04, Octave 4.2.1 and LLVM 3.4.2.

Below are the steps that i followed:
1. ./configure --enable-jit
2. make -j8

Step 1 seems fine as it is not giving any errors. Step 2 stops making octave
binary with errors.
I have attached the output logs for both step1 and step2.

step1: configure.log
step2: make.log <http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/file/t372789/make.log>

Please help as i was struck in this state since 2 days.

Dear Prasad,

First : why do you want to compile with --enable-jit ?  Do you really need it ?

The JIT in its current form does do much and has several known issues, and thus is not of much practical use.


Now, if you really want to do this: I think that currently --enable-jit should work out-of-the-box for LLVM 3.8 and perhaps 3.6 and 3.7.

For earlier versions (3.x with x <= 5) some autoconf macros need to be written, if i remember correctly.

So, your options are:

a) either use LLVM 3.8, which is the default on Xenial anyway (I assume you have compiled LLVM 3.4.2 manually ?).

b) or modify manually some parts of the source code to get it working in LLVM 3.4...  I would need some time to tell you exactly what to modify, which I do not have currently, so please don't expect any fast answer on this.


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