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RE: GSOC 2018 Proposal: Improvements to N-Dimensional Image Processing -

From: Ankush Patel
Subject: RE: GSOC 2018 Proposal: Improvements to N-Dimensional Image Processing - Color Functions
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 18:48:56 +0000



I’m assuming you are referring to these functions - iccfind, iccread, iccroot, iccwrite, isicc- from Matlab? I believe that integrating these functions would be useful as well because they are missing from the color API. I’ll go ahead and write a special section for ICC.



Ankush Patel

From: edmund ronald
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:37 PM
To: Patel, Ankush
Cc: octave-maintainers
Subject: Re: GSOC 2018 Proposal: Improvements to N-Dimensional Image Processing - Color Functions


Hi -


 If my credentials for giving advice concern anyone, I used to be an ICC individual member, and as a consultant wrote a camera profiling and profile editing suite so I have some idea of color processing.


 I have no idea what the status is with ICC and Octave ...


 However, as I remember, Matlab has some extremely useful IO functions and constructors  for reading, creating and writing out color profiles, as well as tagging images with same.


 I would recommend that these constructors and IO functions be implemented as a priority, image conversion for a couple of cases should then provide a testable template for completing the job later if the project is too short for a complete implementation of the Matlab color API. 





On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 5:30 AM, Patel, Ankush <address@hidden> wrote:


I have completed and have had a few friends look at my proposal already. If someone could take a look at my proposal, I would greatly appreciate it! I am open to any suggestions to my current proposal.

I have excluded the private application portion from the application.

As far as the scope of my project is concerned, I plan on implementing the missing color functions; however, is this scope too small? Should I consider implementing more functions from the missing functions list?

Are my implementation details lacking? Should I develop specifications and references to each function?


Thank you,

Ankush Patel



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