>> t = uitable ('Data', [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]) >> t = uitable ('Data', [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]) >> get(t) t = ans = Table with properties: scalar structure containing the fields: Data: [3×3 double] beingdeleted = off ColumnWidth: 'auto' busyaction = queue ColumnEditable: [] buttondownfcn = [](0x0) CellEditCallback: '' children = [](0x1) Position: [20 20 300 300] clipping = on Units: 'pixels' createfcn = [](0x0) deletefcn = [](0x0) Show all properties handlevisibility = on hittest = on BackgroundColor: [2×3 double] interruptible = on BeingDeleted: 'off' parent = 1 BusyAction: 'queue' pickableparts = visible ButtonDownFcn: '' selected = off CellEditCallback: '' selectionhighlight = on CellSelectionCallback: '' tag = Children: [0×0 handle] type = uitable ColumnEditable: [] uicontextmenu = [](0x0) ColumnFormat: {} userdata = [](0x0) ColumnName: 'numbered' visible = on ColumnWidth: 'auto' backgroundcolor = CreateFcn: '' Data: [3×3 double] 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 DeleteFcn: '' 0.94000 0.94000 0.94000 Enable: 'on' Extent: [0 0 259 80] celleditcallback = [](0x0) FontAngle: 'normal' cellselectioncallback = [](0x0) FontName: 'Helvetica' columneditable = [](0x0) FontSize: 10 columnformat = [](0x0) FontUnits: 'points' columnname = numbered FontWeight: 'normal' columnwidth = auto ForegroundColor: [0 0 0] data = HandleVisibility: 'on' InnerPosition: [20 20 300 300] 1 2 3 Interruptible: 'on' 4 5 6 KeyReleaseFcn: '' 7 8 9 KeyPressFcn: '' Layout: [0×0 matlab.ui.layout.LayoutOptions] enable = on OuterPosition: [20 20 300 300] extent = Parent: [1×1 Figure] Position: [20 20 300 300] 0 0 249 90 RearrangeableColumns: 'off' RowName: 'numbered' fontangle = normal RowStriping: 'on' fontname = * Tag: '' fontsize = 10 Tooltip: '' fontunits = points Type: 'uitable' fontweight = normal UIContextMenu: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder] foregroundcolor = Units: 'pixels' UserData: [] 0 0 0 Visible: 'on' keypressfcn = [](0x0) keyreleasefcn = [](0x0) position = 20 20 300 300 rearrangeablecolumns = off rowname = numbered rowstriping = on tooltipstring = units = pixels