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Re: Need test run in Matlab

From: Juan Pablo Carbajal
Subject: Re: Need test run in Matlab
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 16:11:27 +0100

Hi jwe,

These are the results after I modified f1 and f2 (attached; Matlab
2019a doesn't  accept declaration of persistent and initialization in
the same line)

fh1 =

  function_handle with value:


fh2 =

  function_handle with value:



ans =

  struct with fields:

     function: 'gg'
         type: 'scopedfunction'
         file: 'C:\Users\jcarbaja\Downloads\fh-bug.tar\private\gg.m'
    parentage: {'gg'}

ans =

  struct with fields:

     function: 'gg'
         type: 'scopedfunction'
         file: 'C:\Users\jcarbaja\Downloads\fh-bug.tar\private\gg.m'
    parentage: {'gg'}

ans =

  139×1 cell array

    {'pathdef'                                          }
    {'userpath'                                         }
    {'usejava'                                          }
    {'matlabrc'                                         }
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    {'Stream'                                           }
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    {'generateArgumentDescriptor'                       }
    {'FunctionSuiteCreationService'                     }
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    {'NamingConventionService'                          }
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    {'NamingConventionLiaison'                          }
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    {'mtree.Outs'                                       }
    {'mtree.restrict'                                   }
    {'mtree.pathit'                                     }
    {'mtree.Parent'                                     }
    {'mtree.Right'                                      }
    {'TestSuiteFactory'                                 }
    {'f2'                                               }

ans =

  139×1 cell array

    {'pathdef'                                          }
    {'userpath'                                         }
    {'usejava'                                          }
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    {'+editor\private\doSetBreakpoint'                  }
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    {'ismac'                                            }
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    {'uitools\private\prefutils'                        }
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    {'@mtree\private\collect_qualifiers'                }
    {'getCode'                                          }
    {'mtree.wholetree'                                  }
    {'num2cell'                                         }
    {'Type'                                             }
    {'mtree.count'                                      }
    {'mtree.iskind'                                     }
    {'getFileInfoForToolstrip'                          }
    {'getFunctionFileInfoForToolstrip'                  }
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    {'LoggerLevel'                                      }
    {'rmiCheckStatus'                                   }
    {'rmipref'                                          }
    {'settings_mgr'                                     }
    {'getInstalledSupportPackagesInfo'                  }
    {'getInstalledSpPkgProducts'                        }
    {'getSupportPackageRootNoCreate'                    }
    {'SupportPackageRootHandler'                        }
    {'isdir'                                            }
    {'SingleRootHandler'                                }
    {'getSprootSettingFileLocation'                     }
    {'SettingWriterReader'                              }
    {'javachk'                                          }
    {'repmat'                                           }
    {'close'                                            }
    {'resetLocalePreference'                            }
    {'configurationSet'                                 }
    {'synchronousNativeBridgeServiceProviderDeliver'    }
    {'Future'                                           }
    {'Promise'                                          }
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    {'SuiteCreationLiaison'                             }
    {'AllowsAnythingNamingConventionService'            }
    {'ServiceLocator'                                   }
    {'ServiceFactory'                                   }
    {'PackageServiceLocator'                            }
    {'SuiteCreationService'                             }
    {'Service'                                          }
    {'ServicePlaceholder'                               }
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    {'generateArgumentDescriptor'                       }
    {'FunctionSuiteCreationService'                     }
    {'isFunctionBasedTest'                              }
    {'ScriptSuiteCreationService'                       }
    {'FileBasedStaticAnalysisSuiteCreationService'      }
    {'NamingConventionService'                          }
    {'getSimpleParentName'                              }
    {'NamingConventionLiaison'                          }
    {'NonTestFactory'                                   }
    {'getParentNameFromFilename'                        }
    {'fliplr'                                           }
    {'mtree.Outs'                                       }
    {'mtree.restrict'                                   }
    {'mtree.pathit'                                     }
    {'mtree.Parent'                                     }
    {'mtree.Right'                                      }
    {'TestSuiteFactory'                                 }
    {'f2'                                               }


ans =

  struct with fields:

     function: 'gg'
         type: 'scopedfunction'
         file: 'C:\Users\jcarbaja\Downloads\fh-bug.tar\private\gg.m'
    parentage: {'gg'}

ans =

  struct with fields:

     function: 'gg'
         type: 'scopedfunction'
         file: 'C:\Users\jcarbaja\Downloads\fh-bug.tar\private\gg.m'
    parentage: {'gg'}

ans =

  7×1 cell array

    {'Manager'            }
    {'Channel'            }
    {'MessageHandler'     }
    {'InputStream'        }
    {'OutputStream'       }
    {'f1'                 }


ans =

  struct with fields:

     function: 'gg'
         type: 'scopedfunction'
         file: 'C:\Users\jcarbaja\Downloads\fh-bug.tar\private\gg.m'
    parentage: {'gg'}

ans =

  struct with fields:

     function: 'gg'
         type: 'scopedfunction'
         file: 'C:\Users\jcarbaja\Downloads\fh-bug.tar\private\gg.m'
    parentage: {'gg'}

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:32 PM John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
> Could someone please unpack the attached tar file and then execute the
> following commands in Matlab and report the results here?
> cd fh-bug
> fh1 = f1()
> fh2 = f2()
> fh1 ()
> fh2 ()
> functions (fh1)
> functions (fh2)
> inmem
> cd subdir
> inmem
> fh1 ()
> fh2 ()
> functions (fh1)
> functions (fh2)
> clear functions
> inmem
> fh1 ()
> fh2 ()
> functions (fh1)
> functions (fh2)
> Thanks,
> jwe

Attachment: f1.m
Description: Text document

Attachment: f2.m
Description: Text document

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