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Re: [Openexr-devel] photoshop plugin and debug dll's

From: Paul Schneider
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] photoshop plugin and debug dll's
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 14:52:50 -0700

Hi, Ken,

previous versions of the Photoshop plugin depended on Microsoft's debug library, even in release builds. This was a bug, and was fixed with the 1.1.1 release. The answer in the previous threads was "oops - it's broken" - now it should be fixed. I did test the plugin on machines without the debug DLL's installed this time, as I should have done before, so I'm pretty sure the project is set up correctly now.

My guess is that the dependancy is coming from zlib - you might not have rebuilt zlib, or it's possible I didn't update the zlib.dsp that comes with OpenEXR. Make sure that in the Property Pages (Alt-F7), in the C/C++ -> Code Generation tab, the Runtime Library is set to Multi-threaded. If it's set to Multi-threaded DLL, it will link to the debug DLL's, which confused me - I expected there to be release DLL's, and apparently there aren't.

The EXRLib dsw has targets called Static that statically link in the C++ runtime - make sure you depend on those as well.

Let me know if you need more help tracking it down, and if I need to update the zlib project.

- Paul

On May 11, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Ken McGaugh wrote:

Does anybody know how to get the photoshop plugin to
 compile for windows without having dependencies on these
 debug dll's:


I've gone through every bit of all projects involved
 and cannot find out where that dependency is coming

Looking through the archives I see this question has come
 up before, but nobody could answer it.  I'm hoping somebody
 can this time around.


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